Updated Monkeypox Clinician Update from the Office of the Ontario Chief Medial Officer of Health

Alert Date
Canada, United States

Dear Windsor and Essex County Health Care Providers,

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is sharing important updates from the Office of the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health about Monkeypox. Please review the following links below:

  1. Chief Medical Officer or Health Memorandum – June 16, 2022
  2. Ontario Public Health Standards: Appendix 1: Smallpox and other Orthopoxviruses including Monkeypox
  3. Ontario Regulation 135/18: Designation of Diseases (updated June 16, 2022)
  4. Ontario Regulation 569: Reports (updated June 16, 2022)

Important changes regarding reporting of Monkeypox

Effective June 16, 2022, Monkeypox has been designated as a Diseases of Public Health Significance (DOPHS) under the HPPA. Please note that with this change, the Monkeypox Order issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health under Section 77.6 on May 20, 2022 has been revoked.

Health care providers who are required to report DOPHS and/or communicable diseases under the HPPA are now required to report directly to the local Medical Officer of Health in accordance with the reporting requirements in the Act, as per routine disease processes. Please use the following reporting form:

Additional Resources

Please refer to the following websites for more information:

  • Monkeypox Virus (health.gov.on.ca): FAQ’s and vaccine guidance for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, Storage and handling.
  • Monkeypox (Public Health Ontario): Epidemiological summary, specimen collection and handling, IPAC for acute care.

Source URL: http://www.wechu.org/updates-alerts/updated-monkeypox-clinician-update-office-ontario-chief-medial-officer-health

List of links present in page
  1. http://www.wechu.org/updates-alerts/updated-monkeypox-clinician-update-office-ontario-chief-medial-officer-health
  2. https://www.wechu.org/sites/default/files/create-resource/cmohmemomonkeypoxjune162022idpp.pdf
  3. https://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/publichealth/oph_standards/docs/smallpox_chapter.pdf
  4. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/180135
  5. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/900569
  6. https://www.wechu.org/monkeypox-reporting-form
  7. https://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/emb/monkeypox.aspx
  8. https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/Diseases-and-Conditions/Infectious-Diseases/Vector-Borne-Zoonotic-Diseases/Monkeypox