2015 Board of Health

Mr. Joe Bachetti - County Appointee

Dr. Ken Blanchette - Provincial Appointee

Mr. Paul Borrelli - City Appointee

Mr. Mark Carrick - Provincial Appointee

Ms. Eleanor Groh, Vice-chair - Provincial Appointee

Mr. Bill Marra - City Appointee

Mr. Gary McNamara, Chair - County Appointee

Mr. Richard Meloche - County Appointee

Dr. Carlin Miller - Provincial Appointee

Mr. Rob Modestino, Treasurer - Provincial Appointee

Mr. Hilary Payne - City Appointee

Mr. Gord Queen - County Appointee

Mr. John Scott - Provincial Appointee

Mr. Ed Sleiman - City Appointee

Ms. Michelle Watters - Provincial Appointee

Source URL: https://www.wechu.org/2015-annual-report/2015-board-health

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.wechu.org/2015-annual-report/2015-board-health