Health Topics

A (9) | B (4) | C (11) | E (5) | F (1) | G (3) | H (7) | I (4) | L (5) | M (8) | N (1) | P (1) | R (1) | S (4) | T (4) | U (1) | V (1) | W (2) | Y (1) | Z (1)
An alphabetical listing of Health Topics.
Title Description
Aedes aegypti mosquito

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a tropical mosquito that is part of the Aedes species. It is capable of transmitting several viruses, including Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever. These mosquitoes are small and have a black and white pattern on their legs and other parts of the body.

Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP)

Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) describes a group of conditions with set symptoms. AFP is identified by the sudden weakening or loss of muscle tone in children less than 15 years old, without a clear cause.