The Decider Life Skills Program - Week 2 - It Will Pass, Right Now, and Values


The It Will Pass skill helps us to accept that sometimes we can’t change a situation, and all we can do is keep going. The emotion will pass.

When we are upset about a situation, we may feel the need to run away from it or hide.

When we can’t change a situation, we have to go along with it, know that “it will pass”. Instead of reacting to the situation, we can imagine that we are travelling through a tunnel and accept that it is what it is, and it will pass.


Right Now is a skill which uses 5 4 3 2 1 to look outside of ourselves to reduce stress.

When our emotions are running high, or we are feeling “THE FIZZ”, we may need to use a skill that will help us in the moment. Using the RIGHT NOW skill helps to shift the focus away from our difficult thoughts or feelings by using our senses.

When you’re feeling THE FIZZ, try the RIGHT NOW skill by doing this:


Things I can see right now, or imagine I can see right now.


Things I can hear right now, or imagine I can hear right now.


Things I can touch right now, or imagine I can touch right now.


Things I can smell right now, or imagine I can smell right now.


Take 1 slow, deep breath (in through your nose and out through your mouth). Then, focus on your breathing.


Values are the things that really matter to us. They are the ideas and beliefs that we hold as special. They help guide us through life. Goals can be used to make plans that help us live up to our values.

Our values are like our internal compass. When we choose to do something that differs from with our values, our internal compass will tell us something is wrong by increasing our “FIZZ”. This might make us feel uncomfortable.

We may start to feel the physical symptoms of our stressful emotions. This could be an increase in in our heart rate, sweating, or a nervous feeling in our stomach.

It can be hard for children to identify their values, especially those in the younger grades. By helping children identify their “Values”, it will help to lead them in the right direction during a stressful time.

Talk with your child about what your Family Values are!

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