The Decider Life Skills Program - Week 4 - Self-Care and Respect


Self-Care skill helps protect and improve our mental health.

Self-care is important because it helps us handle the challenges of life. Just like we charge our phone batteries, we need to keep ourselves energized by taking care of ourselves. When we practice self-care, it becomes easier to respond when your FIZZ is high.

The word SELF in self-care can remind us to do things regularly that can recharge our own battery:

LOOK AT – what are our challenges, what is bothering/upsetting us the most.   
FIND something fun to do everyday.

We wear helmets to help protect us when riding a bike or entering a construction site. Practicing self-care every day is like wearing a helmet. It will help to protect us BEFORE we face our next challenge.

Self-Care Ideas

Be kind to yourself

Use positive self-talk. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend in the same situation.

Exercise Regularly

Be active. Get outside, explore a green space. Find an activity you enjoy doing and just do it.

Take up a hobby and/or learn a new skill

This will increase your confidence and your interests. You can meet new people.

Eat Mindfully

Eat more fruit and vegetables. Drink more water. Eat with others. Cook your favourite meal.


Make time for yourself. Find what works for you. Read, mediate, yoga.

Have some fun and /or be creative

Paint or colour. Play a board game. Do something that makes you laugh. Enjoy yourself!

Balance sleep

Create a bedtime routine. Decrease social screen time. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Help others

Help out a community project. Volunteer in your community. Helping others helps ourselves feel better. Give a compliment daily.


Respect skill reminds us to be respectful to ourselves and others and that giving respect means gaining respect.

Respect is about valuing and acknowledging other people and their opinions. It is also important that we respect ourselves. When we treat others with respect, they are more likely to treat us with respect. As we earn respect from others and show respect to them, our own self-respect grows.

R - respect self, others, and the environment.     
E - equality and esteem.     
S - say please, thank you and sorry.     
P - polite, kind, and considerate.     
E - ears to listen.     
C - clear, calm communication.     
T - treat others as we want to be treated.

Understanding and appreciating the similarities and differences among people is important. By recognizing and celebrating diversity, we can learn to respect and care for one another.

Celebrating how we are different and what we have in common with others in important. It can help us to better understand others and can teach us how to respect and care for each other.

Examples of Respect

Being kind to ourselves and others.

Being honest without excuses or exaggerating.

Being reliable and on time.

Treating others, the way we want to be treated.

Recycling and reducing waste.

Examples of Disrespect

Being critical or sarcastic.

Lying or gossiping about people.

Insulting or hurting the feelings of others.

Being selfish and putting ourselves above others.

Being wasteful, not caring for the environment.

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