PREPARED BY: Planning and Strategic Initiatives
DATE: 2025-02-06
SUBJECT: BoH Self-Evaluation Process
The Ontario Public Health Standards (2021), under the Good Governance and Management Practices Domain, states: “the board of health shall have a self-evaluation process of its governance practices and outcomes that is completed at least every other year. Completion includes an analysis of the results, board of health discussion, and implementation of feasible recommendations for improvement, if any”.
To meet this requirement, the WECHU developed a competency-based self-evaluation survey for Board of Health (BoH) members. The survey includes twelve competency areas used to identify the strengths of the BoH, as well as opportunities to provide additional training and support for the BoH.
The BoH Self-Evaluation survey will be sent to current BoH members in February 2025. A report will be provided to the BoH regarding strengths and opportunities related to Board functions. Training opportunities will be provided to the BoH to support their efforts; as well, quarterly feedback opportunities will be provided to support effective BoH operations and decision-making.