Submit a Food Premises or Personal Service Setting Complaint

Complaints about food premises and personal service settings can be submitted using this form, or by calling 519-258-2146 ext. 4475.

All complaints are confidential. Your information will not be shared with the facility owner, operator, or staff. All information submitted on this form is handled in accordance with our Website Privacy Statement.

The health unit does not follow-up on repeat complaints that are submitted anonymously. If more than one submission is required for the complaint, we encourage you to call ext. 4475 during health unit operating hours, or provide your name and phone number on the online submission form so we can contact you for more details.

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit encourages you to file a complaint if:

  • You think you have become sick from eating at a food premises in Windsor-Essex County.
  • You are concerned that a food premises is selling food to the public and is not inspected by the Health Unit.
  • You develop an infection after receiving a service at a hair or beauty salon or body art premises in Windsor-Essex County.
  • You are concerned that a personal service setting is providing personal services to the public and is not inspected by the Health Unit.
  • You have a concern about the cleanliness or sanitary condition of any type of premises. For example, the food safety practices at a food premises; or the infection prevention practices at a personal service setting (i.e. beauty salon, nail salon, hair salon or barber shop, body modification or tattoo parlour), or the sanitation or safety of a public pool.
  • For tobacco related complaints click here!
  • To check if a premises has been inspected, you can search for the business by name on our disclosure website.

If you are experiencing severe medical symptoms, please seek medical attention immediately.

Please note: the health unit does not respond to complaints related to the quality of goods and services offered at a business. For this type of complaint, please contact the business directly.

Please fill out each section below and provide as much detail as possible.

Complaint Information:
Did you eat with someone else who became ill?

Please have them submit a separate complaint

Please provide a list of meals, drinks, and snacks you had in the three days before becoming ill. Fill out as much as you can remember.

Please include if you attended any special events or parties.

List of food and drinks consumed (if not prepared and consumed at home, please provide business name and location)

Your Contact Information (optional):

Please provide your name, email address, or telephone number so we may contact you if needed to ensure that we have all the information needed to fully address the complaint.

Remember, all complaints are confidential and your personal information will not be shared with the facility owner, operator, or staff.