Stay Warm Windsor-Essex Program

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The Medical Officer of Health will issue a Cold Warning or an Extreme Cold Warning when the criteria are met for forecasted cold events in our area. When issuing a Cold Warning or an Extreme Cold Warning, the Medical Officer of Health will also consider factors that increase the impact of cold weather on health such as precipitation, low daytime temperatures, number of days/nights of cold weather in a row, and sudden onset of cold weather.

During the cold months, the WECHU website will be updated daily when a warning is issued. When under a cold warning, you should take extra precautions to protect yourself and loved ones from cold related health risks.

What does it mean?

Cold Warning Level Warning Icon Warning Criteria
Cold Warning Cold Warning icon A cold warning is issued when the temperature reaches -15°C (5°F) without the wind chill for one day.
Extreme Cold Warning Extreme Cold Warning icon An extreme cold warning is issued when temperatures are -27°C (-16.6°F) with or without the wind chill for one day.
Cold Emergency Cold Emergency icon Cold Emergencies are declared during extenuating circumstances (i.e., large scale power outage or drinking water emergency) during a cold event.

Health Risks of Extreme Cold

Cold weather can be harmful to your health. While the health risks related to cold are higher for certain groups (such as people who work outdoors, people with pre-existing heart conditions or respiratory illnesses, older adults, infants, young children, and those who are experiencing homelessness), everyone is potentially at risk. Fortunately, most cold-related injuries can be prevented or treated if you are aware of the risks, signs, and symptoms. This information can help you to plan ahead, and take action to protect yourself and your family.

Stay Warm: Beat the Chill

Cold-related injuries are preventable. Follow these tips to reduce your risk of a cold-related injury and stay warm this winter.

Places to stay warm in Windsor and Essex County

Local community centers and libraries are open to the public and can be utilized during extreme weather alerts. For more information, call 211

The following services are available for warmth and relief for individuals experiencing homelessness when extreme weather alerts are issued.

  1. Welcome Centre Shelter for Women & Families: 500 Tuscarora Street, (519) 971-7595
  2. The Salvation Army: 355 Church Street, (519) 253-7474
  3. The Downtown Mission of Windsor: 875 Ouellette Avenue, (519) 973-5573

The Downtown Mission of Windsor has continued their partnership this year with local Tim Hortons’. If anyone is unable to get to the Downtown Mission, they can go to a local Tim Hortons, and staff will connect with the Mission for assistance.

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