February 2025 Board of Health Meeting - Minutes

Meeting Document Type

Board Members Present:

Renaldo Agostino, Dr. Mark Awuku, Joe Bachetti, Dr. Jennifer Bondy, Fabio   Costante, Dr. Sardar Khan, Hilda MacDonald, Robert Maich (3:29 pm), Angelo Marignani, Michael Prue, Rob Shepley

Board Member Regrets:

Fred Francis, Jennifer Yee

Administration Present:

Dr. Mehdi Aloosh, Dr. Ken Blanchette, Michael Horrobin, Kristy McBeth, Eric Nadalin, Dan Sibley, Linda Watson, Emily Durance (recorder)

Board Chair

Fabio Costante/Joe Bachetti

QUORUM: Confirmed

  1. Call to Order     
    Board of Health Chair, F. Costante, called the meeting to order at 3:03 pm
    1. Land Acknowledgement - Read by Board Chair, F. Costante
    2. Quorum – Confirmed at 3:03 pm
    3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest – Conflict declared by Dr. Bondy as her organization has been working with WECHU on STI testing (Item 9.4).
    4. Code of Conduct/Confidentiality Annual Attestation
  2. Board of Health 2025 Elections
    Dr. Ken Blanchette advised that annual Board Elections will take place today for the position of Board Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer. Additionally, the selection of two Board members to represent the Board as part of the WECHU Strategic Planning Committee.

    Nominations for Chair
    Dr. Blanchette asked if there were any nominations for the position of Chair for the Board of Health. One nomination was put forward for Board member Joe Bachetti by Fabio Costante. J. Bachetti stands and accepted the nomination for the position of Chair.

    K. Blanchette asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Chair were closed.   J. Bachetti accepted the nomination, was appointed Chair by acclamation.  K. Blanchette passed the chair duties to J. Bachetti.

    Nomination for Vice-Chair
    Chair J. Bachetti opened the floor for nominations for the position of Board of Health Vice-Chair.  One nomination was put forward for Board member Angelo Marignani. A. Marignani stands and accepted the nomination of Vice-Chair.  J. Bachetti asked for further nominations from the floor (three times).  Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Vice-Chair were closed. A. Marignani, having accepted the nomination, was appointed Vice-Chair by acclamation.

    Nominations for Treasurer
    Chair J. Bachetti opened the floor for nominations for the position of Board of Health Treasurer. One nomination was put forward for Board member Dr. Awuku by F. Costante. Dr. Awuku stands and accepted the nomination of Treasurer. J. Bachetti asked for further nominations from the floor (three times).  Given there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Treasurer were closed. Dr. Awuku, having accepted the nomination, was appointed Treasurer by acclamation.

    Motion:       That the nominations for the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer stand.
    Moved by: R. Agostino
    Seconded by: R. Shepley

    Nominations for Strategic Planning Committee Members
    Dr. K. Blanchette advised that the WECHU is seeking two Board members to represent the Board as part of the Strategic Planning Committee. J. Bachetti stated that he had received expressions of interest by H. MacDonald and F. Costante. J. Bachetti opened the floor for additional volunteers or nominations. No other nominations or expressions of interest were brought forward. H. MacDonald and F. Costante accepted the position of Strategic Planning Committee members.

    Motion:       That the nominations/volunteer for the positions of Strategic Planning Committee Members stand.
    Moved by: A. Marignani
    Seconded by: R. Shepley
  3. Approval of Agenda
    Dr. S. Khan requested that an update on seasonal illness be added to the agenda.

    Motion:       That the agenda be approved with the above addition.
    Moved by: R. Agostino
    Seconded by: A. Marignani
  4. Approval of Minutes: December 5, 2024
    Motion:       That the minutes be approved.
    Moved by: R. Agostino
    Seconded by: R. Shepley
  5. Medical Officer of Health Updates (Dr. M. Aloosh)
    Dr. Aloosh shared that the risk from Avian flu, at the moment in Windsor-Essex County for the general public, is low. Today, Dr. Aloosh wants to provide a comprehensive picture of the disease and how our community can protect themselves from this disease.

    Avian flu is predominantly being seen in animals with few human infections. There is no evidence that there is transmission occurring from human to human at this point.

    Today, there are sixty-seven confirmed human cases in the United States and one confirmed human case in Canada. So far, it seems that this wave of the disease has mild-moderate symptoms in the majority of human cases, with symptoms of infection of the eyes, fever, and cough. A couple of patients showed severe symptoms and one of them passed away unfortunately. Most cases are being seen on the West Coast of the United States. There were two human cases in the Michigan area.

    Dr. Aloosh reviewed a live map found on the CDC website which shows the location of Influenza A cases:
    Map of confirmed Novel Influenza A Virus Infections
    The disease is spread by direct contact with an infected animal, contact with contaminated surfaces, and through droplets or dust.

    Dr. Aloosh shared that it is important to ensure that only milk that has been pasteurized is consumed by humans and pets. Additionally, meat and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before consumption.

    The Public Health Agency of Canada assesses the risk to the population regularly. Dr. Aloosh presented the most recent risk assessment, which shows that the risk remains low for the public but is higher for those who are exposed to infected animals.

    The Public Health response includes monitoring and surveillance, providing education and resources, and emergency preparedness. WECHU is in touch with federal, provincial, and local partners on this issue.

    Dr. Aloosh expressed the importance of receiving seasonal flu vaccination. Receiving the flu vaccine protects from contracting the seasonal flu, and inconclusive evidence shows that the flu vaccine can partially protect humans from avian influenza.

    WECHU will continue to provide information to the community as it becomes available.

    A. Marignani asked what the WECHU is doing as far as providing education to the community on this topic. Dr. Aloosh responded that information is shared through social media posts as well as a landing page on the WECHU website. Information is being shared with Health Care Providers.

    Motion:     That the above information be received. 
    Moved by: R. Agostino
    Seconded by: Dr. S. Khan
  6. Consent Agenda
    1. Information Reports
      1. Communications Reports:
        1. December 2024
        2. January 2025
      2. ISPA Enforcement Update
      3. Board of Health Self-Evaluation Process
      4. Strategic Plan Q4 Progress Report
      5. Beach Water Monitoring Program Enhancements 2025
      6. 2024 Annual Service Plan – Q4 Status Report
      7. 2024 Privacy Summary Report
      8. Q4 BOH Effectiveness Survey
      9. 2024 Building Blocks for Better Babies (BBBB) Program Evaluation

        Item 6.1.5: F. Costante asked if WECHU is aware of how many days specific beaches are closed. K. McBeth responded that this information can be provided and shared with the Board at a future board meeting. F. Costante requested that an Information Report on this topic be included at the next board meeting. 
        Dr. Awuku asked if the predictive model used to enhance the beach water monitoring program is an innovation by WECHU. K. McBeth responded that the WECHU is one of the first public health units in Ontario to be launching this program. WECHU will be collaborating with the municipalities to receive daily turbidity readings from the eight beaches that WECHU currently monitors. This process will provide information on a day-to day basis on whether the water is “safe” or “unsafe” for swimming, in addition to the weekly beach open/closed report as a result of the water testing

        Motion: That the above information be approved.
        Moved by: R. Agostino
        Seconded by: Dr. Awuku
  7. Correspondence (Dr. K. Blanchette)
    1. Windsor-Essex County Health Unit – Letter of Support – Youth Mental Health Fund
    2. Peterborough Public Health – Walport Report/Provincial Emergency Preparedness (for information)
    3. KFL&A Board of Health – Health Canada’s Radon Guideline
    4. HKPR Health Unit – Letter of Support – Vaping Flavour Ban
    5. Public Health Sudbury & District – Calling for the Selection of Indigenous Municipal & Provincial Appointees for BoH for Public Health Sudbury & Districts
    6. Peterborough Public Health – Federal Strategy to Address Severity and Prevalence of Household Food Insecurity
    7. Middlesex-London Health Unit – Monitoring Food Affordability and Implications for Public Policy and Action 2024 – Recommendation & Infographic
      Motion:    That the above correspondence be received. 
      Moved by: R. Shepley
      Seconded by: R. Agostino
  8. Business Arising
  9. Resolutions/Recommendation Reports
    1. Animal Bite Prevention (for approval) 
      (Kristy McBeth/Dr. Mehdi Aloosh)
      Kristy McBeth, Senior Director, presented a resolution for approval as a second part to the resolution that was approved at the December 2024 board meeting on the topic of high-risk animal bite prevention. The WECHU team has looked through the evidence for reasonable ways that municipalities can make proactive efforts to reduce animal bites in their communities.

      The WECHU has investigated 2600 animal bites in Windsor and Essex County in the last 3 years, 92% of which are from cats or dogs.

      As mentioned in the resolution, increased awareness of leashing requirements and enforcement is important to promote responsible pet ownership. The WECHU encourages a proactive approach to preventing animal bites.

      Board Member Angelo Marignani asked what other animals seem to be of concern for transmitting rabies. K. McBeth responded that though we tend to see primarily domestic animals, other animals known to transmit rabies include raccoons, bats, etc. If someone is bitten or scratched by an animal, domestic or wild, the WECHU’s number one recommendation is to speak to your Health Care Provider (HCP). HCPs are required to report these types of incidents to the Health Unit. The WECHU provides proactive education to Health Care Providers and will be hosting an education webinar by Dr. Aloosh on rabies vaccine to HCPs on February 26, 2025. The WECHU also works with a number of veterinarians as they are also required by law to report an animal bite/scratch to the Health Unit.

      Board Member, Rob Shepley, asked if the WECHU tracks the location of WEC in which the bites are occurring most frequently. K. McBeth responded that this type of data is tracked at the Health Unit and could be provided in a future board information report.

      Proposed Motion
      WHEREAS, animal bites to humans increase the risk of rabies virus transmission which can be fatal if left untreated; and

      WHEREAS, data indicates that approximately 92% of local animal to human bite investigations involved canine and feline species, emphasizing the need for responsible pet ownership and up-to-date rabies vaccinations for pets; and

      WHEREAS, animal bites affect vulnerable populations such as children, people working with animals, people who are outdoors, as well as people living and working in urban areas disproportionately; and

      WHEREAS, a proactive community education and awareness campaigns can effectively promote compliance with leashing requirements and vaccination regulations; and

      WHEREAS, the WECHU is committed to ongoing collaborations with local municipalities, veterinarians, healthcare providers as well as police services to provide information on accurate and complete reporting of animal bites.

      THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health recommends that WEC municipalities support ongoing education, prevention and advocacy efforts related to animal bite and rabies prevention activities.

      AND FURTHER THAT, the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health encourages all local municipalities to review, strengthen and enforce existing animal control by-laws, including off-leash violations.

      Motion:    That the above resolution be approved.
      Moved by: A. Marignani
      Seconded by: H. MacDonald
  10. New Business
    1. Equity, Diversity & Inclusion/WECHU Staff Census (Elspeth Troy/Darcie Renaud)
      Dan Sibley, Director of Human Resources for WECHU, introduced Elspeth Troy and Darcie Renaud. Elspeth and Darcie are members of the Equity, Diversion, and Inclusion Committee. D. Sibley encouraged the Board Members to take part in this important initiative.

      The staff census came about as one of the three main initiatives of the new Equity, Diversion & Inclusion (ED&I) committee that was formed in 2023. There are 8 members on the committee from WECHU.

      The results of the staff census will help WECHU with supporting the goal of supporting diversity in the WECHU’s workplace. We aim for an inclusive work environment where everyone can feel comfortable to be themselves and have the opportunity to grow. Additionally, the WECHU serves a population that is increasingly diverse, and we endeavor to have our workforce reflect Windsor-Essex’s diversity.

      In order to conduct the census, an external consultant was hired due to the personal nature of the information that is being asked of those who participate. It ensures confidentiality and will provide us with non-biased recommendations for the organization. The final report will not include any identifiable responses.

      All staff are encouraged to participate in the census, board members included. Census week is from February 3-7, 2025, and staff are being given time during the workday to complete the census. The census is completely voluntary, anonymous and confidential.

      The process will wrap up at the end of March. The board will receive a final report and a list of recommendations.

      Board Member, Fabio Costante commended the team on being steadfast and continuing this important work.

      Board Chair, Joe Bachetti asked if there is a baseline benchmark for the composition of the Windsor-Essex population that can be compared to our final report. D. Renaud responded that is the intention after we receive the final report. We will compare the composition of the WECHU workforce to the most recent census information for the region. The consultant will also compare federal and provincial data.
      Motion:    That the above information be received.
      Moved by: R. Agostino
      Seconded by: A. Marignani
    2. SSNAPP Grant Overview and Letter of Support (Celine Damphouse)
      Celine Damphouse provided an overview of the SSNAPP initiative.

      Substance Supports in Neighbourhoods Accessed Through Police Partnership (SSNAPP) was launched in April 2022 through a 3-year Community Safety and Policing Grant. The grant involves collaboration between the Windsor Police Service, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, and the City of Windsor. However, the funding for this important initiative ends on March 31, 2025.

      The goal of this initiative is to address gaps in support and response to mental health and addiction crises in high-priority areas on our community.

      Key initiatives have included training workshops and community engagement events, the creation of neighbourhood safety plans, and educational campaigns.

      Since the start of the SSNAPP initiative, 23 workshops have been held for 764 local service providers. There have been 9 community park events hosted in high-priority areas that averages 50 attendees per event.

      Able to go to service providers to determine gaps and needs for staff and management to better help serve their clients. De-escalation, trauma informed care, motivational interviewing and addiction and mental health workshops.

      An overdose prevention training session was also hosted, in partnership with the Windsor-Essex Community Opioid & Substance Strategy (WECOSS). Naloxone kits were provided to members of the Downtown Windsor BIA and downtown Windsor residents.

      Neighbourhood safety plans were developed for four high-priority postal code groups: N9A, N8W, N8X, and N8Y. Topics covered in these safety plans included information on responding to substance use and mental health crises, de-escalation techniques, and homelessness, vandalism, and discrimination. The expansion of the Neighborhood Safety Plans will be included in the new Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction Department at WECHU.

      Eric Nadalin, Director of Public Health Programs, commended Celine Damphouse on her incredible work on this grant from start to finish. He added that we are seeking endorsement from the board through a letter of support asking for an extension of funding for the SSNAPP initiative.

      Board Member, Dr. Sardar Khan asked how opioid overdoses are being measured currently. E. Nadalin responded that there is a variety of data available on the WECHU’s Opioid Surveillance Dashboard.  We have made progress in the ability to deal with these types of matters.

      Board Member, Fabio Costante, asked if we are successful in receiving the extension to the grant, do we envision spreading out to other priority neighbourhoods. Eric Nadalin responded that at the time the data was collection (in 2021), the four postal codes identified were the highest need areas. Going forward, Leamington and West Windsor would be included as high-priority communities.

      Board Member, Dr. Mark Awuku asked what happens if the additional funding is not received. Eric Nadalin responded that the WECHU is committed to continuing the efforts related to the Neighbourhood Safety Plans through the new Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction Department at WECHU and is embedded in the work of the WECOSS. Community engagement, however, would come to an end, which is why we ask the board today for support in requesting the continuation of this grant.

      Board Member, Dr. Jennifer Bondy, shared her appreciation for the work done and the importance of harm reduction. She asked if there is a focus on root causes like adverse childhood events (ACEs). Is there a way to address experiences that may lead someone to turn to substance use through this initiative. E. Nadalin responded that in the scope in which the funding was granted dictated what we were able to do with it.
      Motion:    That the above information be received.
      Moved by: R. Agostino
      Seconded by: A. Marignani
    3. Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Hub (Sandra Vesco)
      Sandra Vesco, Manager of the Infectious Disease Prevention Department, provided a presentation highlighting the key accomplishments of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Hub during 2024.

      The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for more supports in congregate living settings across Ontario. IPAC hubs were developed to address this. They are hosted in hospitals and Public Health Units to ensure specialized IPAC guidance. The WECHU IPAC hub provides support to various settings including long term care and retirement homes, homes for adults with developmental disabilities, mental health and addiction treatment centres, emergency shelters, children’s licensed settings, youth justice facilities, and indigenous residential programs.

      The WECHU IPAC hub consists of three nurses and an infection control practitioner to strengthen knowledge of diseases and how they are spread, including infection prevention practices to ensure the safety of those living in diverse congregate living settings.

      IPAC hub provides a variety of services including education and training, community of practice sessions, development of IPAC programs, and outbreak management planning and prevention.

      In 2024, the IPAC hub provided substantial services to 102 congregate living facilities in Windsor-Essex County and provided 1475 services.

      Improved collaboration with Infection Control leads in these settings.

      For 2025, the IPAC hub will work to address knowledge gaps, and work to simplify resources for congregate living settings’ staff. The IPAC hub will conduct individualized audits to help identify what each setting does well and where support is needed to build their IPAC programs.

      K. McBeth added that this program is meant to be a proactive approach and does not replace the legislative requirements that mandated facilities are required to adhere to
      Motion:    That the above information be received.
      Moved by: Dr. J. Bondy
      Seconded by: R. Agostino
    4. Increasing Access to Testing and Treatment in Collaboration with Local Health Care Providers (Razane Diab)
      Syphilis numbers in Windsor-Essex County have been increasing. From 2018 to 2022, Canada’s syphilis infection rates have increased by 109%. In Windsor Essex County specifically, the rates increased by 220% from 2020-2024.

      One of the initiatives that have been implemented is called GetAKit that allows individuals to access testing in the privacy of their home. The testing kit is sent to their home address for in-home testing. Results of the kit are highly accurate.

      WECHU has partnered with the University of Ottawa for testing, and Core Medical for treatment.

      Four cases have been identified through the GetAKit initiative, 2 gonorrhea, 1 syphilis, and 1 chlamydia.

      This program provides equitable access to care with a quick turnaround time for results. Reminders to retest are a part of the program to keep the continuum of care going. Virtual healthcare services have paved way as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Having the accountability and autonomy on your own to access care and lab services empowers the individuals to get the care that they need. It is free, private, and discreet.

      Another initiative is the INSTI multi plex kits. Similar to GetAKit, one sample with two results: HIV and syphilis. The results are obtained within minutes. We have partnered with community partners whose clients are underhoused or homeless.

      It allows for testing on site and providing treatment on site. The treatments are delivered by the WECHU to the sites where they are needed.

      STIs can affect anyone. We are hoping to work with more local community partners to raise more awareness and offer more initiatives. 

      Board Member, Dr. S. Khan asked if there is a linkage to substance use with the increase of syphilis cases in the area. Razane Diab responded that there are usually risk factors identified with the cases we work with. The partners we collaborate with build relationships and rapport with those who require the help.

      Dr. Mehdi Aloosh added that this is a very complex issue. Each of these initiatives objectives is reaching a specific population to fill the gap in access to care.
      Motion:    That the above information be received.
      Moved by: Dr. S. Khan
      Seconded by: R. Agostino
    5. CEO/MOH Update (Dr. Ken Blanchette/Dr. Mehdi Aloosh)
      Dr. Blanchette shared that the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) is hosting their annual Winter Symposium from February 12-14th. alPHa is a provincial body that represents advocacy for public health units. This symposium provides a great opportunity for our board members to interact with other board members across the province.

      Dr. Aloosh shared that he was invited to contribute to the annual report that is released by the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. This year’s report is called “Realizing the Future of Vaccination for Public Health”. It is a visionary report that speaks about the integral role of vaccines in disease prevention through the life cycle, also about new vaccines emerging to prevent cancers. This report is available online.

      Dr. Aloosh shared that he has completed a year-long leadership training through the University of Toronto. He will use what he learned in his work as the Medical Officer of Health for Windsor-Essex and will transfer the knowledge to teams.

      At Dr. S. Khan’s request, Dr. Mehdi Aloosh provided an update on respiratory diseases in our region. Dr. Aloosh provided the update that the activity of COVID-19 has been decreasing. RSV activity has peaked. With regard to influenza, wastewater surveillance data shows that numbers are increasing. Dr. Aloosh continues to recommend that everyone receive their flu vaccine.
    6. CEO Quarterly Report (Dr. Ken Blanchette)
      Dr. Ken Blanchette highlighted the CEO Quarterly Compliant report in the Board Package. There was nothing of significance to report.
      Motion:           That the above information be received.
      Moved by: A. Marignani
      Seconded by: F. Costante
  11. Next Meeting: At the Call of the Chair, or Thursday, March 20, 2025
  12. Adjournment
    Motion:               That the meeting session be adjourned.   
    Moved by: A. Marignani
    Seconded by: R. Agostino
    The open meeting session adjourned at 4:47 pm
  13. In-Camera Session (Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act)
    The Board moved in-camera at 4:48 pm
    The Board moved out of in-camera at 4:55 pm


SUBMITTED BY: K. Blanchette