June 2024 Board of Health Meeting - ISPA Implementation Update - Secondary School Students Information Report

Meeting Document Type
Information Report
ISPA Implementation Update - Secondary School Students

PREPARED BY: Healthy Schools - Immunization

DATE: 2024-06-20

SUBJECT: ISPA Implementation Update - Secondary School Students


The Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) R.S.O. 1990, requires all Ontario students to be immunized against nine diseases. Public health units are required under the ISPA to routinely review immunization records for students in their catchment area to ensure compliance. Students may be exempt from immunizations due to medical or non-medical reasons. These students, although not up to date on their immunizations, will have satisfied the ISPA requirements.


ISPA Implementation Focused on Secondary School Students

In May 2024, the WECHU assessed the immunization records of all (20,643) secondary students attending school in Windsor and Essex County. Of those, 21.5% (4,440) were identified as not having up to date immunization information on file. Due to limited capacity in the Spring 2024, full enforcement protocol (including suspension order) was not implemented in the secondary schools (elementary only), however a complete enforcement process will take place in both the elementary and secondary schools during the 2024-2025 school year.

As part of the WECHU’s ongoing prioritization of immunization activities, the following immunization focused programs and services are currently being implemented:

  • Issue Immunization Notices - Individualized immunization notices were prepared for the 4,440 secondary school students. These notices were mailed directly to the students’ home in late May 2024. Notices outline the ISPA requirements, the specific immunization information missing, and options for taking action to avoid preventable diseases and possible future school suspension in the next school year.
  • Host Immunization Clinics - Catch-up immunization clinics will be hosted to increase access to immunization services. Families can book an immunization appointment online at wechu.org/getimmunized or call 519-2582146 ext. 1222. 
  • Sharing Key Messages with Families - Promotional messages encouraging students and families to take action, will be posted through the WECHU’s social media and internal communication channels and shared with school boards for disseminated through school internal communication streams.
  • Sharing Key Information with Vaccines Providers - Information and updates will be disseminated to community vaccine providers to support safe and effective immunizations.