June 2024 Board of Health Meeting - Minutes

Meeting Document Type

Board Members Present:

Renaldo Agostino, Dr. Mark Awuku, Joe Bachetti, Fabio Costante, Fred Francis, Dr. Sardar Khan, Angelo Marignani, Michael Prue, Rob Shepley, Jennifer Yee

Board Member Regrets:

Judy Lund, Hilda MacDonald, Robert Maich

Administration Present:

Dr. Mehdi Aloosh, Dr. Ken Blanchette, Michael Horrobin, Kristy McBeth, Eric Nadalin, Dan Sibley, Emily Durance (recorder)

WECHU Guests

William Willis (Willis Law)

  1. Call to Order     
    Board of Health Chair, F. Costante, called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm
    1. Land Acknowledgement - Read by Board Chair, F. Costante
    2. Quorum – Confirmed
    3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest – None 
  2. Approval of Agenda
    Motion:       That the agenda be approved.     
  3. Approval of Minutes:  May 16, 2024
    Motion:       That the minutes be approved.     
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Information Reports
      1. Communications Reports:
        1. May 2024
      2. ISPA Implementation Update – Secondary School Students
      3. ISPA Enforcement Update – Elementary School Students
      4. Comprehensive Tobacco Control: Enforcement Activities
      5. 2023 Annual Audited Financial Statements Recommendation Report
        1. WECHU Audit Findings Report for the year ended December 21, 2023
        2. Financial Statements of WECHU MCCSS Program Initiatives
        3. Financial Statements of WECHU
      6. By-law Revisions
        1. By-law #1: Governance
        2. By-law #2: Finance
        3. By-law #3: Human Resources
        4. By-law #4: Management of Real Property
          Under Information Report 4.1.2, K. McBeth shared that over the summer, there will be a focus on vaccination catch up for school-age children. A coverage report will be provided to the Board in the fall.

          Under Information Report 4.1.4, F. Francis noted that there have been six new vape shops opened since the beginning of the year. He asked if there is any way to determine the saturation rate in the city. E. Nadalin responded that it is difficult to determine a saturation rate. Windsor-Essex County has a high number of vape shops with respect to the population. The WECHU Tobacco and Vaping Enforcement Officers visit all vape shops in Windsor-Essex twice a year to provide information, education, and progressive enforcement.
          Compared to the last couple of years, the number of new vape shops opening in the area is down.

          Motion: That the above information be approved.
      7. Correspondence
        1. HKPR Health Unit – Letter of Support for 2023 CMOH Annual Report (for information)
        2. WECHU- Further Regulatory Measures for Vapour Retail Advocacy Letter (for information)
        3. KFL&A Board of Health – CMOH Annual Report 2023 (for information)
        4. KFL&A Board of Health – Declaring GBV, IPC, & Family Violence a Provincial Epidemic (for information)
        5. Sudbury & Districts Public Health – Support for C-322 National Framework for a School Food Program Act (for information)
          Motion: That the above correspondence be received.
  5. Presentations
    1. H5N1 (Dr. Mehdi Aloosh)
      Dr. Aloosh provided information on the status of H5N1 in our area, the history of the virus, preventive measures, and the WECHU’s current response plan.

      The Public Health response is currently happening at different levels of Government.

      There is a vaccine, but it is not available extensively for use.

      Dr. Aloosh summarized that the risk is low, but we need to be cautious. WECHU is watching the situation and will notify the public if anything changes.
    2. Healthy Schools Initiative: The Decider (Kristy McBeth & Kelly Farrugia)
      One of the main priorities of the Healthy Schools Department is mental health promotion within in the school age population.
      The program is a social emotional learning program led by a team of Public Health Nurses (PHNs) in the WECHU Healthy Schools Department.

      PHNs visit the classes twice a week for five weeks. Students are taught twelve skills, introducing 1-2 new skills per session.
      PHN Stacey Lanoue provided examples of the lessons taught in the classroom.

      The Decider program was piloted in four schools this school year, as well as high-needs schools in Grade 4. The program was delivered in 37 high-risk schools. Over 1200 students participated this year.

      Dr. Awuku asked how the schools fit this program in their existing curriculum. Healthy Schools Manager, Kelly Farrugia, responded that all four school boards were supportive of this program and that it aligns with the curriculum.

      A parent letter is given to the students after each lesson to encourage family discussions at home.

      Councillor R. Agostino asked if information about this program was communicated through Edsby. PHN Stacey Lanoue answered that most Public Board teachers posted the parent letter directly onto Edsby. WECHU encouraged the schools to share our website with their families.

      Fabio Costante echoed the importance of mental health and youth. He stated that it is wonderful to see this being taught within the school system.
    3. Wildfire Smoke (Dr. Mehdi Aloosh)
      Dr. Mehdi Aloosh presented information on the health effects of wildfire smoke. Wildfire smoke contains Fine Particulate Matter (also known as PM₂․₅). These particles can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation, decreased lung function, wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.

      Currently, we are seeing a lower number of cumulative hectares burned in wildfires than was seen in 2023.

      The Government of Canada posts up-to-date information on local air quality online.

      Dr. Aloosh shared tips to reduce the risk of exposure to wildfire smoke, including referring to the online air quality index, avoiding areas with heavy pollution, and ceasing outdoor activities if experiencing any shortness of breath, wheezing, dizziness, etc.
    4. Endorsing the Windsor-Essex Food Strategy (Karen Bellemore)
      WECHU Nutritionist, Karen Bellemore, presented on the Windsor-Essex Food Strategy. The Strategy is a tool to guide the direction of food system work across Windsor and Essex County.

      The Windsor-Essex Food Policy Council was formed in 2017, after receiving support from the Health Unit in 2016. Momentum slowed in 2020 as the pandemic emerged, but as food insecurity became more apparent, work picked up again in 2023.

      K. Bellemore presented the correspondingresolution, for approval by the Board. The resolution seeks the support of the Board of Health to endorse the goals and recommendations by the Windsor-Essex Food Strategy.

      Councillor R. Agostino asked for more information about the Food Strategy Priority Action #3 (The development, or enhancement of policies and procedures to support local food purchasing in publicly funded spaces.) K. Bellemore responded that this action is more about food procurement from local businesses for local organizations (i.e. Health Unit, Windsor Regional Hospital, etc.) The offering of food within local organizations that is locally grown. Food would be more nutrient dense because it does not have a long travel time, it allows for more local economic growth (connecting agricultural industry to public institutions.)
    5. Smoke Free Ontario Act – Enforcement (Jennifer Bradt)
      Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Department Manager, Jennifer Bradt, presented on the enforcement activities undertaken by the WECHU Tobacco and Vaping Enforcement Officers (TVEOs) related to the Smoke Free Ontario Act (SFOA).

      The TVEOs conduct multiple inspections annually for each tobacco and vape retailer in Windsor and Essex County. They use a combination of education, inspection, and “progressive enforcement” of the SFOA and relevant by-laws.

      Deputy Mayor J. Bachetti asked about the regulations for smoking and vaping on fair and festival grounds. Director Eric Nadalin responded that fairs and festivals are classified as a ‘patio’, when food or beverage are served. Therefore, the same regulations would apply; no smoking or vaping within nine metres of the external perimeter of a patio, or event. WECHU has seen generally good compliance with our local fairs and festivals.

      Regarding nicotine pouches, there are no regulations tied to this product. Nicotine pouches are dangerous because they’re flavoured, which makes it appealing to youth, and no age restriction on the sale of the product. They are also marketed as a cessation tool. To enforce, WECHU Enforcement Officers would need to catch people in the act of using the product, which can be difficult with a product such as this.

      Councillor R. Agostino asked if the taxation of cigarettes has brought down the use of cigarettes. Additionally, he asked if there is any taxation control in the vaping market. E. Nadalin responded that vape products are similarly taxed as cigarettes. He added that tobacco tax increases are arguably the most effective way to cut down on cigarette smoking.
  6. Business Arising
  7. Resolutions/Recommendation Reports
    1. Endorsing the Windsor-Essex Food Strategy (for approval)

      Motion: That the Board of Health approve the Endorsement of the Windsor-Essex Food Strategy.
      Moved by Fred Francis Seconded by Joseph Bachetti
  8. New Business
    1. Board Compensation and Delegation Policies (Dr. Ken Blanchette/William Willis)
      Board Delegation Policy Update

      The goal of this policy is to strike a balance between ensuring that members of the public can be heard by the Board on matters important to Public Health and to ensure the Board of Health is able to conduct business in an effective manner. The way we strike the balance with efficiency is by having a fundamental requirement of speaking only topics on the agenda; members of the public cannot establish items on a Board agenda.

      The delegation request must be made 72 hours minimum prior to the Board meeting.

      The Chair can determine if the delegation be presented as a written submission or verbal presentation.
      The updated policy is in line with other similar Public Health Boards.

      The details of the policy are set out in the proposed policy and will be made available on the WECHU website.

      Motion: That the Board of Health approve the updates to the Board Delegation Policy.
      Moved by Fred Francis Seconded by Rob Shepley 

      Board Compensation Policy Update
      The expenses and remuneration of Board of Health Members is mandated by the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA). The only exception is that members of City Council, other than the Chair, may not be remunerated. The legislative intent being that their remuneration would be covered by their salaries.

      When setting the compensation for the Board, the amount shall not exceed the highest rate of emuneration of a member of a standing committee of a municipality within the health unit served by the Board of Health. The City of Windsor and the Municipality of Pelee do not offer per diems for standing committee members.

      On June 5, 2024, County of Essex standing committee members voted and approved a new compensation rate of $110.77 per diem. This amount is below the provincial average of $140.60.

      The recommendation by legal counsel is to stay below the provincial average and mirror the amount that was recently set by the County of Essex.

      There is a maximum of one per diem per day.

      Motion: That the Board of Health approve the updates to the Board Compensation Policy.
      Moved by Renaldo Agostino Seconded by Angelo Marignani 
    2. CEO Update (Dr. Ken Blanchette)
      Dr. Aloosh announced that he has been elected to represent the Southwest MOH group on the Council of Medical Officers of Health (COMOH). There are seven Public Health Units in the Southwest area. Also, Dr. Aloosh has joined the Board of Directors of the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (aLPHa) as the COMOH Section representative.

      Dr. Aloosh and Dr. Blanchette attended the alPHa Conference on June 5-7, 2024, in Toronto. There was a focus on the future of Public Health and how to strengthen Public Health.

      Dr. Blanchette, and the new WECHU Director of Corporate Services, Michael Horrobin attended the Association of Public Health Business Administrators (AOPHBA) Conference in Huntsville in June 2024. There was great connectivity with other CFOs and members of Leadership.

      On June 13, 2024, Dr. Ken Blanchette hosted a WEChat meeting with all staff of the Windsor- Essex County Health Unit to share Provincial updates and policy changes within our institution.
  9. In-Camera Session (Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act) 
    The Board moved in-camera at 5:28 pm
    The Board moved out of in-camera at 5:44 pm
  10. Next Meeting: At the Call of the Chair or Thursday, September 19th, 2024
  11. Adjournment
    Motion:               That the meeting be adjourned.   
    The meeting adjourned at 5:27 p.m.


SUBMITTED BY: K. Blanchette

APPROVED BY: WECHU Board of Health