PREPARED BY: Communications Department
DATE: February 19, 2025
SUBJECT: January 15 – February 14, 2025 Communications Update
Provide regular marketing and communication updates to the Board of Health.
SOURCE | January 15 – February 14 | December 15 – January 14 | DIFFERENCE |
News Releases, Media Advisories and Statements, or Notices Issued | 7 | 0 | 7 |
Media Requests Received | 6 | 12 | -6 | pageviews | 109,666 | 79,442 | 30,224 |
YouTube Channel Subscribers | 1,820 | 1,808 | 12 |
Email Subscribers | 6,915 | 6,927 | |
Emails Distributed | 15 | 6 | 9 |
Facebook Fans | 19,545 | 19,511 | 34 |
Facebook Posts | 74 | 53 | 21 |
Twitter Followers | 8,422 | 8,482 | -60 |
Twitter Posts | 74 | 52 | 22 |
Instagram Followers | 1,923 | 1,869 | 54 |
Instagram Posts | 26 | 26 | / |
LinkedIn Followers | 1,857 | 1,826 | 31 |
LinkedIn Posts | 6 | 8 | -2 |
Media Exposure | 96 | 36 | 60 |
Data Notes can be provided upon request.
Media Exposure Overview Graph

Notes: From January 15 – February 14, we experienced three main peaks in media exposure:
January 20 – Almost 20 stories were published regarding a cold weather alert issued on January 20. This was the first cold weather alert for the season.
February 10 & 13 – Media stories covered a boil water advisory for consumers of the Amherstburg Public Works Water Distribution System (advisory issued February 10 and rescinded February 13). Between the two stories, a total of 40 news stories were published.
Website Overview Graph

Notes: From January 15 – February 14, we saw very similar website traffic patterns as the previous month, but at a higher volume. We saw a large influx in visitors to the webpage following the boil water advisory news release.
Social Media Overview Graph

Lighter blue line represents the current month, darker blue line represents the previous month. Notes: We saw an increase in followers across all platforms with the exception of Twitter.
Discussion – SSNAPP Feedback Survey Support

The Substance Supports in Neighbourhoods Accessed through Police Partnerships (SSNAPP) was looking for resident feedback on the Neighbourhood Safety Plans. To reach a wider audience via Facebook, two social media posts were boosted and ran for a total of 4 weeks (January 15 – 31 and February 4 – 14).
The posts performed well on the WECHU’s Facebook page. In total, the posts received 1,647 clicks (which took users to the survey page). Additionally, the posts were shared a total of 35 times, helping it reach more users. As a result, 150 fully completed surveys were received.