May 2024 Board of Health Meeting - 2024 Annual Service Plan - Q1 Status Report Information Report

Meeting Document Type
Information Report
2024 Annual Service Plan - Q1 Status Report

PREPARED BY: Planning and Strategic Initiatives

DATE: 2024-05-16

SUBJECT2024 Annual Service Plan - Q1 Status Report


In 2018, the Ontario Ministry of Health (MOH) introduced a new Annual Service Plan (ASP) that Health Units are required to submit each year. To ensure a single, integrated approach to planning, the Planning and Strategic Initiatives (PSI) department worked with the Information Technology (IT) department to align our planning system with the provincial requirements. 

With the support of PSI, all internal and external facing departments develop and enter their annual work plans, which are then reviewed and approved by the Leadership Team. These plans are then integrated in the WECHU’s Annual Service Plan for the Ministry.


Annual Service Plan (ASP) Submission

WECHU’s 2024 Annual Service Plan was submitted to the MOH in April, 2024. The plan provides details about planned expenditures and local public health programming for 2024. 

Q1 Progress Update

  • There are 174 active Intervention Work Plans.
  • Of the 126 public facing external plans, 94% are on target.

Of the 48 internal corporate plans, 92% are on target and 4 have been completed.