May 2024 Board of Health Meeting - Minutes

Meeting Document Type

Board Members Present:

Renaldo Agostino, Dr. Mark Awuku, Fabio Costante, Fred Francis, Dr. Sardar Khan, Judy Lund, Robert Maich (4:32 pm), Angelo Marignani, Michael Prue, Jennifer Yee

Board Member Regrets:

Joe Bachetti, Hilda MacDonald, Rob Shepley 

Administration Present:

Dr. Mehdi Aloosh, Dr. Ken Blanchette, Michael Horrobin, Kristy McBeth, Eric Nadalin, Dan Sibley, Emily Durance (recorder)

  1. Call to Order     
    Board of Health Chair, F. Costante, called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm
    1. Land Acknowledgement - Read by Board Chair, F. Costante
    2. New Board Member Introductions
    3. Quorum – Confirmed
    4. Declaration of Conflict of Interest – None

      Introduction: New Board of Health Member, Provincial Appointee Dr. Jennifer Yee
      Board Chair, F. Costante, introduced and welcomed the WECHU’s newly appointed provincial member, Jennifer Yee, to the Board of Health effective January 11th, 2024, for a term of 3 years. 
  2. Board of Health Treasurer Election
    Nominations for Treasurer

    Chair F. Costante opened the floor for nominations for the position of Board of Health Treasurer. F. Costante recommended Board Member, Judy Lund, for the position. There were no objections and no further nominations or recommendations. J. Lund accepted the nomination of Treasurer. Given there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Treasurer were closed.  J. Lund, having accepted the nomination, was appointed Treasurer by acclamation.

  3. Approval of Agenda
    Motion:       That the agenda be approved.     
  4. Approval of Minutes:  March 21, 2024
    Motion:       That the minutes be approved.     
  5. Consent Agenda
    1. Information Reports
      1. Communications Reports:
        1. March 2024
        2. April 2024
      2. Food Safety Education
      3. WECHU Oral Health Services and Oral Health Month
      4. Windsor Essex Community Opioid and Substance Use Strategy 2023
      5. Implementation of the Ontario Naloxone Program 2023
      6. Recreational Water Inspections and Beach Monitoring
      7. 2024 BOH Self-Assessment Survey
      8. Strategic Plan Q1 Progress Report
      9. Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Disease Surveillance Program
      10. Break the Vape Challenge
      11. Tuberculosis Campaign in IDP
      12. 2024 Annual Service Plan – Q1 Status Report
      13. Q1 BOH Effectiveness Survey Summary
      14. Emergency Preparedness
      15. Communicable Diseases & Outbreaks
        Motion:       That the above information be approved.
    2. Correspondence
      1. Dr. Kieran Moore –  2023 CMOH Annual Report (for information)
      2. HKPR Health Unit – Letter of Support – Private Member’s Bill C-322 – National Framework for a School Food Program Act (for information)
      3. Sudbury & District Public Health – Letter of Recommendation for Government Regulation of Nicotine Pouches (for information)
      4. KFL&A Public Health – Letter of Recommendation to Restrict the Sale of Nicotine Pouches in Ontario (for information)
      5. Peterborough Public Health – Letter of Recommendation for Federal Restrictions on Nicotine Pouches (for information)

        E. Nadalin added that a resolution was put forward and approved during the January 2024 Board of Health meeting on the topic of nicotine pouches. The above correspondence from Sudbury & District Public Health, KFL&A Public Health, and Peterborough Public Health was in response to the resolution.
        Motion:        That the above correspondence be received.
  6. Presentations
    1. 2024 BOH Competency Presentation (Kristy McBeth)
      K. McBeth presented the on the 2024 Board of Health Self-Assessment Competency Survey results. The purpose of this self-assessment is to identify Board of Health strengths and identify opportunities for training and support. The survey questions are related to twelve competencies and are developed based on the Ontario Public Health Standards, Board of Health By-laws, and the alPHa Board of Health Governance Toolkit.

      K. McBeth provided an overview of the 2024 assessment completed by Board Members. She stated that the 2024 competency was below what was seen in 2023, but reminded the group that there are several new Board Members who are still learning their roles. 

      Overall recommendations include the offering of training sessions and e-learning modules to Board Members and provide the opportunity to offer feedback on Board of Health operations and decision-making. This feedback will be used to determine the most effective way to get information to Members in a timely manner.

      Dr. S. Khan noted the struggle with items related to legal, as he has no legal background. K. McBeth responded that the expectation is not that all Board of Health Members be an expert on all topics, but that Board Members, as a collective, bring together their combined knowledge. As we look at strengthening the Board, it might be beneficial to look at recruiting an attorney to join the Membership.

      A. Marignani added that the Board package information reports provide a good overview and detail on the programs and services provided by the Health Unit. As presentations come forward, these are great opportunities for education. As part of our mandate, the Health Unit must attest to the Ministry that there have been offers of education to Board Members.

      J. Lund added that it would be helpful for Board Members to see an updated organizational chart that includes information on the funding model. WECHU will provide this information to Board Members.
    2. Break the Vape (Kelly Farrugia/Ashley Kirby)
      Health Promotion Specialist, Ashley Kirby, spoke to the Break the Vape Challenge and presented the winning videos. Windsor-Essex students between grades 6 and 12 were given the opportunity to create a 60-second video to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping. The students’ videos were to include one fact and one call to action.

      The contest ran from February to March and was then opened to their peers and the public for voting. Ninety-eight videos were submitted from twenty-seven schools and two hundred and thirty-eight students. The campaign was successful due, in part, to the school boards’ full engagement and support. 

      The winning videos were selected and shared to social media as part of an awareness campaign. A post-campaign survey to educators and students has been disseminated to gather feedback. 

      WECHU will continue to promote vaping resources within the schools and is always looking at ways to improve the system at a local level, as far as regulation is concerned.

      Dr. Khan asked if it would be more beneficial to show youth the consequences of vaping. Manager of Health Schools, Kelly Farrugia, responded that the evidence shows that youth do not respond well to scare tactics and really benefit from peer lead initiatives. The winning videos are a good example of this. K. Farrugia thanked our colleagues in the media for their assistance in sharing the campaign and helping it to be as successful as it was. 

      A. Marignani shared his concerns with the high number of stores in our area selling vape products to minors. He asked if there is anything else that can be done to deter businesses from selling to minors. E. Nadalin responded that the work that the Health Unit and our Enforcement Officers conduct is in line with the mandates provided by the Government. He added that under the Smoke Free Ontario Act, WECHU’s Enforcement Officers can revoke their ability to sell tobacco for a set time period after multiple infractions, however, WECHU does not have the same ability with vape vendors.

      R. Maich asked if it is possible to shift resources to focus more on vape and less on tobacco. E. Nadalin responded that the ratio of inspections is provided per our mandates. With additional resources for the enforcement team, more can be done to increase inspections on vape vendors. 

      Dr. Aloosh pointed out that kids can acquire vapes from their peers as well. It is important to work from different angles, not just enforcement. 

      Direction was provided by the Board of Health to draft a letter to the provincial Ministry of Health to make amendments to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 which mirrors the process already in place for tobacco vendors who repeatedly sell to minors. The letter will advocate for WECHU Tobacco and Vaping Enforcement Officers to have the ability to issue an Automatic Prohibition to a vape product retailer in the same manner as is already in place for tobacco retailers.

      Motion: That the Board of Health approve the creation of an advocacy letter asking the Ministry of Health to make amendments to the existing Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, to increase enforcement on vape vendors who sell to minors
      Moved by F. Francis
      Seconded by A. Marignani
    3. WECOSS Annual Report (Eric Nadalin)
      WECHU Director of Public Health Programs, Eric Nadalin, shared some highlights from the WECOSS Annual Report. The WECHU Health Promotion Specialists works closely with the WECHU Epidemiology team to monitor overdoses and send out community overdose alerts.  All information on the strategy can be found on the WECOSS website.
  7. Business Arising
  8. Resolutions/Recommendation Reports
    1. Endorsement of CMOH Annual Report – An All of Society Approach to Substance Use & Harms (Dr. M. Aloosh) (for approval)
      Dr. Mehdi Aloosh said the goal of this report is to provide evidence-based recommendations for all levels of government in Ontario and acknowledge the fact that substance use is a complex issue, and one that Public Health cannot address alone. Many key points of this report align with WECHU’s priorities and initiatives. CMOH calls on all levels of government to support public health efforts.

      F. Costante reminded the Board that this is a multi-prong approach to a public health crisis and is something that we should all endorse so the work can continue.

      Motion: That the Board of Health approve the Endorsement of CMOH Annual Report – An All of Society Approach for Substance Use & Harms
      Moved by F. Francis
      Seconded by A. Marignani
  9. New Business
    1. CEO Update (K. Blanchette)
      Yesterday, Mayor Prue and Dr. Ken Blanchette met with the Deputy Minister regarding Nuclear Preparedness. In 2024, WECHU is working to replacing our existing supply of KI pills. Dr. Blanchette and Dr. Aloosh have offered our assistance as the local health unit for emergency preparedness. 

      Dr. Blanchette shared that he and Dr. Aloosh will be attending the alPHa Conference in June. Michael Horrobin, Director of Corporate Services, and Dr. Blanchette will also be attending the Association of Ontario Public Health Business Administrators (AOPHBA) Conference in June.

      Dr. Blanchette also shared that WECHU will be participating in this year’s Pride Fest and Parade.

      For information, WECHU received a funding letter from the Ministry after the last board meeting. The Ministry reaffirmed their commitment to increase base funding. This information was already taken into consideration when preparing the 2024 budget. 
    2. Board Meeting Dates & Times (F. Costante)
      This was brought forward by Dr. Khan who is expressing an interest in potentially exploring some alternate dates and times for Board Meetings.

      F. Costante proposed that a poll be conducted by email to see if there is any interest in changing the time and/or days of the Board Meetings. If all Board Members are agreeable, we would look at making this change. The June meeting will remain as is, and any potential changes would be made beginning in September. 

      A. Marignani suggested that Tuesdays could be an option for City councillors.
      Motion:       That the Board of Health approve the review the Board meeting schedule. 
      Moved by F. Francis
      Seconded by J. Yee
  10. Committee of the Whole (Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act)
    The Board moved into Committee of the Whole at 5:15 pm
    The Board moved out of Committee of the Whole at 5:48 pm
  11. Next Meeting: At the Call of the Chair or Thursday, June 20th, 2024
  12. Adjournment
    Motion:               That the meeting be adjourned.   
    The meeting adjourned at 5:13 p.m.


SUBMITTED BY: K. Blanchette