May 2024 Board of Health Meeting - Recreational Water Inspections Information Report

Meeting Document Type
Information Report
Recreational Water Inspections


Environmental Health




Recreational Water Inspections


The Environmental Health Department conducts inspections of recreational water facilities in Windsor and Essex County (WEC), as a part of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s Safe Water Program. This mandatory program contributes to the prevention and reduction of water-borne illnesses and operates under the requirements outlined in the Recreational Water Protocol, 2019 and the Operational Approaches for Recreational Water Guideline, 2018. Recreational water facilities that are routinely inspected within this program include public pools, splash pads, water slides, and spas. Seasonal beach monitoring is also conducted, which includes surveillance of water and weather conditions, and potential pollutants, as well as weekly water sampling to test for Escherichia coli (E. coli), a bacteria that can cause severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, fever, and vomiting.

The chart below is a summary of the number and type of public recreational water facilities that require inspection in WEC:
Type of Facility Total in WEC (2024)
Spa 17
Spray/ Splash Pad 29
Class A Pool Class B Pool Class C Pool 25 76 35
Water Slide 1
Wave Action Pool 2
Public Beach 8

Recreational Water Facilities Summary

A summary of completed inspections for recreational water facilities (excluding public beaches) in 2023 and 2024 is outlined in the chart below.
Type of Inspection # of Inspections Completed in 2023 # of Inspections Completed in 2024 (As of April 04, 2024)
Pre-Operational Inspections 46 0
Required 413 80
Re-Inspections 69 8

Beach Monitoring Summary

The 2023 beach monitoring season ran for a total of 13 weeks, with weekly water sampling conducted from June 12, 2023, to September 5, 2023. There were 20 water quality warnings issued (201-999 E. coli/100ml), and 3 beach closures (≥1000 E. coli/100ml). This season had significantly less water quality issues when compared with 2022, which had 41 warnings and 13 closures. The permanent closure of Mettawas Beach partially accounts for this difference.

This table outlines the tested beaches and the number of warnings or closures issued
Name of Beach Warnings Closures
Cedar Beach 1 0
Cedar Island Beach 1 0
Colchester Beach 2 0
Holiday Beach 3 0
Lakeshore Lakeview Park W. Beach 3 1
Point Pelee North West Beach 2 0
Sandpoint Beach 6 2
Seacliff Beach 2 0
TOTAL 20 3


Recreational Water Facility Activities

In 2024, all the recreational water inspections will be conducted as per the requirements outlined in the Recreational Water Protocol, 2019. Indoor pools and spas are inspected at least four times per year, and outside pools and spas will be inspected at least two times within the operating season. Splash pads and waterslides will be inspected a minimum once per year. All routine and complaint-based inspection reports of recreational water facilities are made available on the WECHU’s Disclosure Website. Reports are posted within two weeks of a completed inspection and remain posted for two years. 

Beach Assessments and Testing

Public Health Inspectors will conduct pre-season beach assessments mid-May, with weekly surveillance and water sampling beginning May 21, 2024. Beach water sampling will take place once a week every Wednesday and there will be no resampling done. The results will be made available on the WECHU’s Beach Water Testing webpage by Friday of the same week. Results will also posted to the Beach Hotline at 519-258-2146 ext. 1490.