May 2024 Board of Health Meeting - WECHU BOH Self-Assessment Competency Survey Other

Meeting Document Type
WECHU BOH Self-Assessment Competency Survey


To identify the BOH strengths and identify opportunities for training and support. 

  • BOH is required to conduct a self-assessment.
  • Questions related to 12 competencies.
  • The 12 competencies and related questions were developed based on the Ontario Public Health Standards, BOH By-laws, and the alPHa BOH Governance Toolkit.


  • Current board membership includes 14 members, of which 13 completed the survey.
  • There were 2 to 4 questions asked for each competency.
  • Average scores were created for each competency.
  • A satisfactory and optimal range was determined:
    • Satisfactory range (average score ≥2 and <3):BOH members have the necessary competencies to successfully complete tasks related to that topic but might require assistance from an expert at times.
    • Optimal range (average score ≥3):BOH members on average can perform actions related to these competencies without expert assistance.

Self-Assessment Scale

Score Description
Basic (0) I have basic knowledge of related techniques or concepts.
Novice (1) I have the level of experience gained in a classroom or as a trainee on-the-job. I would need help when working in this area.
Intermediate (2) I can successfully complete tasks in this area as requested. Help from an expert may be required from time to time.
Advanced (3) I can perform the actions associated with this area without assistance. I am recognized as "a person to ask" when others face difficulties in this area.
Expert (4) I am known as an expert in this area. I can provide guidance, troubleshoot, and answer questions related to this area.

Areas of Competency

1. Communication and marketing:

Interacting with partners to promote programs/services.

2. Community partners and stakeholders engagement: 

Identifying key partners/stakeholders.

Establishing strong partnerships with other organizations.

Resolving conflicts between partners/stakeholders.

3. Health equity: 

Identifying barriers individuals face when accessing public health services.

Consideration of health inequities in program/services decision making.

4. Human resources: 

Attracting and retaining employees.

Assessing the work-related performance of employees.

Succession planning in an organization.

Addressing challenges in a unionized environment.

5. Financial management: 

Managing a budget within an organization.

Assessing financial information.

Creating innovative approaches to deal with fiscal restraints.

Re-allocating resources within an organization.

6.  Knowledge of delivery of public health programs/services: 

Implementation of the OPHS, developing evidence-based program/services, integrating client/customer needs into programs/services

7. Leadership and governance: 

Service on other boards or committees.

Decision-making that considers the impact on relevant stakeholders.

Leadership-level guidance of organizational operations.

Guiding an organization through change to reach their goals.

8. Legal: 

Managing organizational legal considerations, applying ministry level legal requirements in an org, adhering to ministry required BoH legal obligations

9. Performance mgmt. and quality improvement: 

Supporting an organizational culture of continuous quality improvement.

Making organizational decisions based on the quality of programs/services.

10. Political acumen: 

Understand the formal process for decision making at the municipal level.

Identifying key players in the political decision making process.

Developing healthy public policies (e.g., analyzing, planning, implementing, and evaluating policy).

Advocating for the passing and enforcement of healthy public policies.

11. Risk mgmt: 

identifying organizational risks, documenting the cause and consequence of identified organizational risks

12. Strategic and operational planning: 

Development of organizational strategic plans.

Working towards organizational strategic priorities.

Monitoring progress towards meeting a strategic plan.

Competency Assessment

Top Strengths/Opportunities


  • Leadership and Governance
  • Community Partners and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Human Resources


  • Knowledge of Public Health Programs
  • Health Equity
  • Legal

Overall Recommendations

  • Provide training education sessions and e-learning modules to board members.
    • Beginning with the areas of opportunity (e.g., Health Equity, Knowledge and Delivery of Public Health Programs and Services, Legal).
  • Quarterly opportunity to provide feedback in regards to BOH operations and decision-making.