September 2024 Board of Health Meeting - 2024 Q2 Strategic Plan Progress Report Information Report

Meeting Document Type
Information Report
2024 Q2 Strategic Plan Progress Report

2024 Q2 Strategic Plan Progress Report




2024 Q2 WECHU Strategic Plan Progress - At a Glance



Advancing meaningful partnerships that focus on health equity and priority populations.









1.1 Increase the number of collaborations

Objective met or is on track

Objective met or is on track



1.2 80 %f emerging public health issues have partners

Objective met or is on track

Objective met or is on track


1.3 90% of partners serving priority populations satisfied with relationship with the WECHU

Progress being made towards achieving objective 

Progress being made towards achieving objective 




Organizational Development

Advancing operational excellence by increasing employee capacity and knowledge, and through continuous quality improvement efforts.









2.1 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (ED&I) framework is developed and implemented by 2025

Objective met or is on track

Objective met or is on track



2.2 Leadership Training Series completed by all managers and succession planning

Objective met or is on track

Objective met or is on track



2.3 100% of departments have a developed CQI plan in place

Progress being made towards achieving objective 

Progress being made towards achieving objective 



2.4 Leadership Team direct engagement and communication with staff

Objective met or is on track

Objective met or is on track



2.5 Staff mental assessment score improves year over year

Progress being made towards achieving objective

Objective met or is on track




Effective Public Health Practice

Advancing programs and services through evidence informed decision-making, effective planning, and evaluation.









3.1 50% of programs w/ integrated priority population steering group feedback into plans & implementation

Progress being made towards achieving objective

Progress being made towards achieving objective



3.2 100% of programs in cost-shared budget have been assessed for requirements, needs, and impacts

Objective met or is on track

Objective met or is on track



3.3 Bi-Monthly Corporate Content Marketing Plan is on track

Objective met or is on track

Objective met or is on track



3.4 Epidemiological report on the incidental impacts of COVID-19

Objective met or is on track

Objective met or is on track




Work needed towards objective


Progress being made towards achieving objective


Objective met or is on track



1.1 Increase collaborations to support equitable long-term approaches to addressing local public health needs. Increase the total number of collaborations.

Collaborated with the Town of Amherstburg to facilitate an event to distribute over 500 KI Kits to the public who reside in the Primary Zone.

The City of Windsor is collaborating with the WECHU to prioritize neighborhood services using shared mental health data as one facet to inform the index.

1.2 Foster strategic partnerships that advance and support action plans on emerging public health issues that reflect and advance WECHU’s core valuesand priorities.

80% of emerging public health issues have partners.

Current emerging public health issues include:

  • Food Insecurity 
  • Opioids
  • Respiratory Illnesses
  • School Aged Immunization - HPV
  • Vector Borne Diseases
83% of public health issues have identified partners (5 out of 6). New partnerships for this quarter include:

A partnership with Essex-Windsor EMS seeks to facilitate information exchange to improve local health service planning and interventions.
1.3 Develop and enhance relationships with local priority population groups to address local health priorities. 90% of partners serving priority populations satisfied with relationship with the WECHU. Priority groups and their representatives will be mapped according to the workplans submitted for the 2024 Annual Service Plan (ASP). 


2.1 Develop and implement a framework for embedding diversity, equity, and inclusive (ED&I) approaches across the organization. Under the direction of the Human Resources Department, develop a singular overall ED&I framework for the organization and implement it by 2025.

The ED&I Committee released its first policy “Inclusive Workplace Pronoun Policy” to all staff. This gave staff the ability to add their pronouns to their email signature as a means of showing inclusivity within WECHU.

The committee has also begun work on a staff census meant to provide demographic information on WECHU staff to guide future initiatives.

2.2 Establish a structure for leadership development to ensure continuity of programs and services, supportive environments, and operational excellence. Completion of Leadership Training Series for all Managers and select staff. Currently 94% of applicable management staff have completed the Leadership Training Series. Additional staff are being identified as candidates to enroll in this course.
2.3 Incorporate continuous quality improvement (CQI) into organizational processes to ensure effective operations, resource management (human and physical), and adaptation to change. 100% of programs in cost-shared budget have been assessed for requirements, needs, and impacts. Corporate Performance Management and Quality Improvement Plan has been approved for full implementation in 2025. 2024 Q2 reporting of departmental program indicators is in progress.
2.4 Advance internal communications efforts to improve employee knowledge and transparency of organizational goals, objectives, and priorities. Leadership Team directly engages all staff through various internal communication channels three(3) times per quarter.

During this quarter LT engaged staff on:

  • Workplace precautions to take during the eclipse.
  • Clarification of MOH government funding of $1.9 million.
  • WECHAT all-staff session with updates on: provincial health unit mergers; staff immunization, hybrid work, and workplace wellness policies; workspace optimization of Windsor office space.
2.5 Support employee mental health and well-being through effective and evidence informed strategies. Improvement on staff mental health assessment scores. The WECHU will continue to support the overall objective for this plan through the ongoing provision of support for staff mental and well-being.

In the Spring of 2024, all LT and MT staff have attended a CAMH module on Mental Health Training. 


3.1 Ensure the inclusion of priority populations in the planning, development, and implementation of programs. 50% of programs w/ integrated priority population steering group feedback into plans & implementation. Implementation of the Priority Population Engagement Framework is on track with pilot project to engage with an identified priority populations underway.
3.2 Evidence-based processes are embedded within the organization for planning, implementation, and evaluation to inform locally relevant programming. 100% of programs in cost-shared budget have been assessed for requirements, needs, and impacts. The 2024 process of conducting an organizational priority setting exercise to systematically assess program requirements, needs, and impacts is in progress. The results of this exercise will be used to set organizational priorities, determine resource allocations, and assist in the program and intervention planning process.
3.3 Continue to support and advance public communication of local health data and information. Bi-Monthly Corporate Content Marketing Plan is on track. Key public health messages for the quarter included parenting supports such as infant feeding classes, oral health, vision health, smoking cessation, rabies awareness, and mental health.

Emergency Preparedness Week was highlighted by sharing a handful of social posts from the Ontario Ministry of Health. 

Beach water testing began in the middle of May. Samples are collected on Wednesdays and results are posted on Fridays. Weekly results are shared with the public via social media, email campaigns, on, and an updated recording on our phone system.
3.4 Assessing and reporting on disproportionate health impacts related to COVID-19 and other key health indicators. Complete the report on the Incidental Impacts of COVID-19. Complete.