September 2024 Board of Health Meeting - Grey Bruce Public Health - Physical Literacy for Communities Correspondence

Meeting Document Type
Grey Bruce Public Health - Physical Literacy for Communities

September 3rd, 2024

Dr. Kieran Moore
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Ministry of Health
Box 12, Toronto, ON
M7A 1N32

Physical Literacy for Communities: A Public Health Approach

Dear Dr. Moore,

On July 26, 2024 at the Board of Health meeting for Grey Bruce Public Health, the Board is pleased to endorse the attached resolution from Sudbury and Districts Public Health regarding Physical Literacy for Communities: A Public Health Approach. The following motion was passed:

Moved by: Chris Peabody
Seconded by: Beverly Wilkins

“THAT, the Board of Health endorses the Physical Literacy for Communities: A Public Health Approach letter”.


Yours truly,

Sue Carleton
Chair of the Board of Health
Grey Bruce Public Health
101 17th Street East, Owen Sound, N4K 0A5

CC: Ian Culbert, Executive Director, Canadian Public Health Association
Susan Stewart, Chair, Health Promotion Ontario
Dr. Tamara Wallington, Chief Health Promotion and Environmental Health Officer, Public Health Ontario
Richard Way, Chief Executive Officer, Sport for Life
Drew Mitchell, Senior Director of Physical Literacy, Sport for Life
Association of Local Public Health Agencies
All Ontario Boards of Health