Parenting Programs

daughter holding parents had

Circle of Security Parenting

The Circle of Security parenting program is a weekly support program that helps parents build healthy and secure relationships with their child.

During this FREE 8-week program, you will learn:  

  • Tools that can help you understand what your child’s behaviour is telling you.
  • How to support your child in managing their feelings and emotions. 
  • How to strengthen the bond with your child.

This program is for parents and caregivers of children 4 months – 6 years of age.

This program is currently full. Please call 519-258-2146 ext. 1350 to be added to the waitlist.

What is Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)?

Triple P logo - Positive Parenting Program for every parent

Triple P is a parenting program, but it doesn't tell you how to be a parent. It's more like a toolbox of ideas. Triple P programs offer information, support, and practical answers to everyday parenting concerns. It's an approach that's easy to follow and you'll see that even small changes can make a big difference to your family.

What does Triple P do?

The three Ps in 'Triple P' stand for 'Positive Parenting Program' which means your family life is going to be much more enjoyable.

Triple P helps you:

  • Feel confident you're doing the right thing
  • Parenting tools you can use right away
  • Raise happy, confident kids
  • Manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more
  • Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
  • Encourage behaviour you like
  • Take care of yourself as a parent

Pre-registration is required for all seminars and group courses. Submit an online registration form here, or call 519-257-5215 ext. 74033.

Visit the Triple P website for more information.