Collaboration: Working with others to achieve mutual goals.
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI): A quality management approach focused on measuring, learning, and improving over time. This approach is directed toward improving processes and providing value to our clients in the community.
Diversity: The presence of a wide range of human qualities within an individual, group, or organization. Diversity includes such factors as age, sex, race, ethnicity, physical and intellectual ability, religion, sexual orientation, educational background, and expertise.
Employee Engagement: Employees who are actively involved and committed to the actions, values, and direction of our organization. Employee engagement is characterized by job satisfaction, employee empowerment, organizational commitment, and job involvement.
Empowerment: Enabling individuals to represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, to make choices that support their health.
Engagement: Active involvement and commitment to an action or idea.
Equity: Fair, objective, and respectful treatment for all: recognizing differences, and using this understanding to achieve meaningful equality in all aspects of a person’s life.
Excellence: Aiming for the best possible work and outcomes through continual efforts to improve.
Innovation: Developing or using new ideas, tools, and/or approaches to provide greater value to our clients in the community.
Organizational Development: Theories and approaches to develop, improve, and support the effectiveness of an organization.
Organizational Assets: Persons, property, ideas, and relationships that are valuable contributors to the day-to-day operations of our organization.
Organizational Culture: The shared values, beliefs, practices, and behaviours in our organization. This includes the way that the organization treats its employees and the community; the way decisions and ideas are expressed in the organization; and the combined commitment within the organization to achieve our objectives. These aspects influence the way that we interact with each other and those in the community.
Risk: The possibility of harm or loss resulting from an action, event, or situation.
Visibility: To be seen, understood, and valued by our community.