Attachment/Early Relational Health

Positive, strong and nurturing relationships help children grow and thrive! Moments matter! A positive emotional connection between parents and young children is created through daily routines and tasks such as mealtimes, bedtime routines, reading and playing together, singing and talking together.

Below are some websites and resources where you will find useful information. If you have any questions related to parenting, call our Healthy Families Hotline and speak with one of our Public Health Nurses at 519-258-2146 ext. 1350.  We're here to help!


Make the Connection
This online program is for parents/caregivers with infants from birth to 3 years of age. You will learn how to interact with your baby/child in ways that promote secure attachment, communication and brain development.


Early On Child and Family Centres (CFC)
There are 30 Early On Child and Family Centres through out Windsor-Essex. These centres offer FREE programs, both in-person and on-line, to families with children 0 to 6 years of age to support early learning, child development and a place to connect with your child.


Caring for Kids
This site is developed by the Canadian Paediatric Society. It has a section on Attachment: A connection for life, and includes a number of other topics on child growth and development.

Healthy Babies Healthy Brain
This website provides videos, and useful links with information on how to form a positive connection with your baby/child (e.g., by responding to your baby’s needs, providing a safe and loving home for your baby, helping your baby safely explore his or her surroundings, etc.).