Media Statement: Update on Elementary Students with Incomplete Immunization Records

Issued: Friday, March 7, 2025 | 10:30 a.m. | Windsor and Essex County

As of March 7th, 2025, 253 elementary students are suspended from school for continuing to have incomplete immunization records with the Health Unit, as required by the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) R.S.O.1990.

Parents/guardians must update their child’s immunization record, thereby removing the suspension order so that the student may return to school, through one of the following actions:

  1. Update the student’s immunization record
    • Online at (must upload proof of immunization as an attachment).
    • Ask their child’s Health Care Provider (HCP) to fax missing immunization information to the WECHU @ 519-258-7288.
    • Bring the child’s immunization record to the WECHU (Windsor or Leamington office) to be updated.
  2. Get the student immunized
    • Book an appointment for their child to receive missing vaccines or obtain a valid medical exemption from their HCP. The child’s updated immunization records must be reported to the WECHU.
    • Attend a walk-in immunization clinic at the WECHU Windsor or Leamington location. For more details, visit

The WECHU is here to help affected families. Services available 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday at our offices include immunization counselling and support, updating immunization records, and administration of missing vaccines.
The WECHU would also like to remind secondary school students that the deadline to update their immunization record is Thursday March 13th, 2025. Students with incomplete records after this deadline will be suspended from school on Monday March 17th, 2025. As of today, there are 1,105 secondary students at risk of suspension. These students are encouraged to follow the above steps to submit immunization records to the WECHU and/or get immunized.