Bike to School Week is a celebration of the journey to school by two (or three!) wheels that takes place every year during the last week of May.
For more information, safety tips, and lessons/activities on bicycle safety and active transportation, visit the following resources:
- Parachute- Cycling: Find bicycle and road safety tips, resources, and videos for children.
- CAA- Bicycle Safety: Provides lessons for kindergarten to grade 12 focused on bicycle safety. Topics covered include bicycle equipment, safety on the road, and additional resources.
- CAA-Walking Your Way to Safety: Provides ideas for discussions, lessons, and activities for kindergarten to grade 3.
- WECHU Active and Safe Routes to School Toolkit: The toolkit contains information on school travel planning, including common barriers to school active travel and ways to address them, a step-by-step process for school travel planning, and key resources to use throughout the process.