Program Stats 2013

6,287 Visits made to the sexual health clinic.

4,130 Cases of reportable sexually transmitted and blood borne infections.

3,955 People attended the 91 Reasons (anti-smoking) presentations for children and youth in 16 schools and 2 community settings.

375 Primary grade students participated in the Physical Activity/Healthy Eating interactive presentations at the GECDSB summer literacy program.

187 Influenza cases reported to the Health Unit.

52 Influenza patients requiring hospitalization.

1,410 Health inspection service requests including complaints from the public, epi referrals from the infectious disease department, and requests for service.

20,321 Children received dental screening’s at 123 schools in Windsor and Essex County.

133 Additional children were able to access the Healthy Smiles Ontario Program due to changes in financial eligibility criteria.

28,217 Estimated number of employees working at the 29 Windsor-Essex County workplaces that received Gord Smith Healthy Workplace Awards.

70,200 Estimated number of Windsor-Essex County employees and family members reached through the 29 Workplaces that received the Gord Smith Healthy Workplace Award in 2014.

577 Students enrolled in food handler course.

539 Food handler certificates issued for completion of course.

556 Women received prenatal education.

504 Children between the ages of birth to 5 assessed or screened at Well Baby clinics.