Schools in Windsor-Essex County can celebrate IWALK with special events on IWALK Day (October 4th) or anytime throughout the month.
Ontario Active School Travel (OAST) has created promotional materials and activities to highlight the month such as posters, sample social media messages, activities, playlist to Walk n’ Roll to. Visit the OAST website to learn more.
From October 16th -20th it’s Bike Walk Roll Week. During this week Green Communities Canada encourages schools to participate to help get better data on how students get to and from school.
For more information, safety tips, and lessons/activities on walking, bicycle safety and active transportation for the classroom visit the following resources:
- CAA-Walking Your Way to Safety: Provides ideas for discussions, lessons, and activities for kindergarten to grade 3.
- WECHU Active and Safe Routes to School Toolkit: The toolkit contains information on school travel planning, including common barriers to school active travel and ways to address them, a step-by-step process for school travel planning, and key resources to use throughout the process.
- Parachute- Cycling: Find bicycle and road safety tips, resources, and videos for children.
- CAA- Bicycle Safety: Provides lessons for kindergarten to grade 12 focused on bicycle safety. Topics covered include bicycle equipment, safety on the road, and additional resources.