
Stakeholder Feedback

In addition to learning about our community’s health-related needs, we wanted to gain insight and perspective about the WECHU’s role in the community from our key stakeholders.

To do this, we sought input from existing working groups and community committees, key organizational partners, members of the Joint Board Executive Committee, the Senior Management Team, the Board of Health, the Management Team, and Health Unit staff. These groups were targeted for their unique and important perspectives about the work that we do.

These participants were asked to share their perceptions, attitudes, and expectations about the future direction of public health generally and for the WECHU specifically.

Stakeholder Participation

CNA –Community Needs Assessment

  • 21 CNA Planning Committee Members
  • 15 groups or organizations
  • 1,441 CNA Survey respondents
  • 142 Focus Group participants from 12 priority populations
  • 21 Organization representatives participated in a Community Focus Group

Strategic Plan

  • 19 Strategic Planning Steering Committee members
  • 100 Staff Survey participants
  • 4 Health Unit Governance Focus Groups
  • 3 Key Informant large-group interviews with participants from 27 organizations