Tips for a Safe Halloween

The following article can also be found in the October 2024 edition of Biz X Magazine

Halloween is a night full of fun and excitement for children, and it is right around the corner! As a parent or caregiver, you can prepare to have a fun and safe night by keeping the following tips in mind:

  • Dress for the weather with layers under costumes. 
  • Ensure the costume is not too long to avoid trips and falls and use face paint instead of masks. If using a mask, make sure that children can see and breathe clearly. 
  • Choose costumes that are flame resistant, like those made of nylon or heavyweight polyester. Remember, even if a costume says it is flame resistant, does not mean it is flame-proof.
  • Make sure everyone is visible in the dark by using reflectors. 
  • Trick or treat in small groups, never alone.
  • Practice road safety. Remind children to look both ways before crossing roads, use sidewalks for walking, and cross at stop signs or lights when possible. 
  • Stick to roads and neighbourhoods that you know, and only visit well-lit houses.
  • Check all treats before eating to ensure they are safe and in the proper wrapper. 
  • If your child is sick, skip trick or treating and plan fun Halloween activities at home.

Feeling Sick? Have Fun at Home! 

Families can enjoy a safe and fun Halloween from home. Here are some ideas for a festive and entertaining night: bake Halloween-themed treats, have a pumpkin decorating contest, watch Halloween movies, or dress up. If you still want to connect with friends or family, you can organize a video call to share costumes with one another. To help make pumpkin decorating safer, consider letting children draw their design and have an adult carve it.

Handing Out Treats this Year?

Keep trick-or-treaters safe when they visit your house. 

  • Remove any objects from your walkway that can cause trips or falls and keep house lights on to let trick-or-treaters know they are welcome and for clear visibility to your home. 
  • Choose battery-powered tealights instead of candles with wicks in your jack-o-lanterns to lower the risk of fire. 
  • Also, be aware that some toys and treats can be dangerous for young children. Avoid toys with small pieces that could become a choking hazard and choose treats that are marked as nut-free.

Following these tips will help make Halloween safe and enjoyable for everyone.

Have a fun and spooktacular time!