WECOS December 6, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Document Type


List of Committee members present
Name Title Organization

Dr. Wajid Ahmed

Acting Medical Officer of Health; Committee Co-Chair


Bruce Krauter

Chief; Committee Co-Chair

Essex-Windsor EMS

Steven Bellaire

Principal, Safe Schools

Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board

Michael Brennan

Executive Director

Aids Committee of Windsor

Matt Capel-Cure


Amherstburg Police

Peter Chevalier

Staff Sergeant

LaSalle Police Service

Sarah Cipkar

Community Development Coordinator Responsible for Neighbourhood Engagement Initiatives

United Way’s Neighbourhood Engagement Strategy

Drew Dilkens

Mayor, Corporation of the City of Windsor

Corporation of the City of Windsor

Bart Dipasquale

Deputy Mayor, Town of Amherstburg

County of Essex

Ramsey D’Souza

Manager, Epidemiology & Evaluation


Nicole Dupuis

Director of Health Promotion


Nichole Fisher

Manager, Clinical Services


Michelle Graham

Residential Program Manager

St. Leonard’s House/Harm Reduction Network

Dr. Sonja Grbevski

Vice President, Brain & Behaviour Health

Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare

Alison Malott

Peer Representative


Gary McNamara

WECHU Board Chair, Mayor, Town of Tecumseh


Scott Miller

Research & Data Analyst


Rob Modestino



Jessica Campbell

On behalf of Lorie Feltz

Erie Shores Health Care

Robert Moroz

Integrated Director, Outpatient & Community Services

Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare

Eric Nadalin

Manager, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention


Sharon Pyke


Greater Essex County District School Board

Gillian Stager

Health Promotion Specialist


Mike Symons

Detective Sergeant

Ontario Provincial Police

Rosanne St. Denis

Executive Assistant/Committee Secretary


Jeff Theriault

Clinical Practice Manager

Windsor Regional Hospital

Karen Waddell

Executive Director

House of Sophrosyne


Table of regrets for this meeting
Name Organization

Tom Bain

County of Essex

Dr. Paul Bradford

Windsor Regional Hospital

Claudia den Boer

Canadian Mental Health Association

Jim Farrand

Windsor Police Services

Lori Feltz

Erie Shores Health Care

Dr. Robert McKay

Erie-St. Clair Clinic

Jeff Mailloux

Windsor Police Service

Christine Malott

Mousseau DeLuca McPherson Prince LLP

Theresa Marentette


Edward Marocko

Ontario Provincial Police

Dawn Maziak

Erie-St. Clair LHIN

Pamela Mizun

Windsor Police Service

Jelena Payne

City of Windsor

Edith St.-Arnaud

CSC Providence (French Catholic School Board)

Co-Chairs: Dr. Wajid Ahmed and Bruce Krauter

  1. Introductions Including New Members
    Members were welcomed and thanked for their attendance. Introductions were made around the table.
  2. Agenda Approval
    Approved as presented.
  3. Review of Minutes
    1. Minutes of October 6, 2017
      Approved with no corrections.
  4. Committee Membership and Attendance
    • The Committee was asked to consider whether there was anyone else that should be attending these meetings.
    • Organizations that have two-three representatives listed were asked to identify a lead person and alternate and advise the Committee secretary so that the group can be kept to a manageable size for the purposes of meeting room space.
  5. Business Arising
    1. Updated Windsor-Essex Community Opioid Strategy
      • An environmental scan of existing community resources, community needs, and best practices from regions at the provincial, national, and international levels were used to develop a set of strategies which were further refined through a community consultation process.
      • WECHU provided background on the consultation process which generated 89 completed surveys and feedback from approximately 150 attendees who attended one of two community forums. The event was held in Windsor and in Leamington.
      • Key recommendations and community feedback were noted under each of the four pillars in the strategy/action plan--Prevention and Education; Harm Reduction; Treatment and Recovery, and Enforcement and Justice.
  6. New Business
    1. Small Group Discussion on Community Opioid Strategy
      • During this portion of the meeting the Committee was asked to break up into groups under one of the four pillars to discuss the recommendations in the report and provide feedback.
      • A representative from each of the pillar groups--Prevention and Education; Harm Reduction; Treatment & Recovery; and Enforcement & Justice reported their group’s feedback.  Recommendations were recorded and will be considered for inclusion in the recommendations of the final strategy.
    2. Dissemination Plans for Opioid Strategy
      • The second week of January 2018 is slated for official release of the opioid strategy action plan. The WECHU will be planning a media event. Once available, Dr. Ahmed will share details with the group via email.
    3. Naloxone Kits for Community Organizations
      • The group was queried whether all organizations represented are making naloxone available. The WECHU and EMS offered to provide policy support/guidance and training as need.
      • The peer representative recommended naloxone kits be available in hockey arenas.
  7. Roundtable Updates
    • School Boards - WECDSB discussed a drug strategy that has been developed to liaison with individual schools. This has been kicked off at Villanova High school. Presentations were made to the students, staff, and parents. The Board committee is working with individual schools consisting of guidance staff, Administration and Student Success Teachers who comprise the school's "Care Committee", asking them to come up with a strategy as to how to use school and community resources in a way to connect with the students. The Board has asked the other high schools to develop a plan on how they were going to move forward. The goal is to have similar messaging being delivered throughout the schools.
    • Law Enforcement - Amherstburg police have been experiencing challenges getting into the schools to do presentations. They are looking to add a drug resource person to their staff through grant monies. The deadline for grant submission is December 22, 2017. Some of this individual’s work would be to get in touch with the health unit and four school boards to develop consensus on a drug presentation. He asked whether the two co-chairs could provide a letter of support. Dr. Ahmed will send out the request to the committee. M. Capel-Cure queried the feasibility of getting student representatives on the WECOS-LC to acquire their input (youth in high school and beyond).

      OPP have been responding to requests for presentations. They have provided a presentation to vice principals at the Ciociaro Club and one at St. Anne’s High School. They are helping to educate/cover off the community resource piece.

    • Hospitals - HDGH advised an addiction referral person will now be on site at the Transitional Stability Centre. CMHA has received some funds for reciprocity workers for transitioning those incarcerated into the community.  Erie-Shores Healthcare is hoping to have some full time dedicated support. WRH reported there has been a lot of education in the WRH Emergency Department around acute management and overdoses. They have been on high alert re: the carfentanyl crisis. There is a concern by staff re: safety when exposed to patients coming in on carfentanyl. WRH has partnered with EMS to discuss how to respond, prepare the patient, and bring them into the Emergency Department if they have a substance on them to minimize the risk to health care workers.
    • Harm Reduction - House of Sophrosyne is still awaiting funding for more supportive housing units and one additional FTE. The ACW has received an increase to their harm reduction base funding. They now have a sharps container in front of their office on Pelissier Street. The ACW is looking to enter Memos of Understanding with multiple community collaboratives--Downtown Windsor (DWCC), Glengarry, and Ford City to develop anti-stigma communications to educate the community around working with people who use drugs (PWUDs). The ACW is also working with WECHU to expand services into Leamington. They are working with the Ontario HIV Treatment Network monitoring how Supervised Injection Sites (SISs) are developed. The ACW has developed women-centred harm reduction programing and currently partners with the Welcome Centre and continues to get many service provider requests.  ACW provided stats on naloxone kit distribution--356 kits were distributed with 105 reversals to date. With every naloxone kit distributed they include cards about the Good Samaritan Act. Because of a potential result, 911 was called 58 times. They have just finished reporting on their last six months. They have reached 7,600 unique clients; 3,018 received referrals to other community service providers, 358,516 needles went out into the community, 215,489 were returned for disposal (a 60% return rate).

      St. Leonard’s House reported that the Harm Reduction Network is going to the Downtown Mission to provide education. On December 12, they are having a health fair. They will be providing socks to the mission on December 20.

    • Community Group - Downtown Windsor Community Collaborative (DWCC) is involved in education and communication. The DWCC would like to provide a better understanding to residents, and as a result is working on an anti-stigma campaign with the AIDS Committee of Windsor. The DWCC is also involved with the clean-up of needles through their regular neighbourhood cleanups. They are in favour of needle drop boxes in the community
    • Peer Representative - The peer representative recommended the Good Samaritan Act be explained in the media (TV) as there may be concern that by assisting others they are putting themselves at risk.
  8. Next Steps
    • The final draft of the opioid strategy action plan will be sent out in a couple weeks for the groups’ feedback.
  9. Next Meeting: January 26, 2018 @ 1 p.m. (WECHU Main Boardroom).
  10. Adjournment: 3:10 p.m.