What is measles and how is it spread?
Measles is an infection that can cause a rash, fever and cough. It is caused by an infection with measles virus.
Measles Exposure Locations
We have created a list of potential measles exposure locations in Windsor and Essex county, which we will continue to update as information becomes available.
Measles virus spreads easily when an infected person coughs or sneezes, spreading droplets that contain the virus into the air.
The virus can live on surfaces (e.g., door knobs, shopping carts, utensils, etc.) and can also live up to 2 hours in the air after the person with the infection has left the enclosed space. If people breathe in the contaminated air or touch infected surfaces, they can become infected. It can also be spread by direct contact with the secretions from the infected person’s mouth or nose.
People infected with measles can spread it to others 5 days before they get a rash. It can spread for about 4 days after the rash is gone.
Measles can cause long-term problems with the lungs, ears or brain. These problems can be dangerous. People can die from measles and the problems it cause.
Previously in Canada, measles was relatively rare because most people were vaccinated. When cases did happen, they were usually due to international travel. However, because of an increase in measles cases worldwide and in Southwestern Ontario, anyone who has not had measles or has not been fully vaccinated against measles is at risk of getting sick.
Infants under 12 months of age, children, pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system who have not been vaccinated against measles are at greater risk of measles and its complications.
Others who are also at risk include:
- Those who are born in or after 1970 and have not received the two doses of the measles vaccine [Measles- Mumps- Rubella (MMR), or Measles- Mumps- Rubella- Varicella (MMRV)].
- Those who have not had a confirmed case of measles.
- Those who have traveled to areas where there is a measles outbreak.
- Those who have had contact with a confirmed case of measles.
Symptoms may start around 10 days after being exposed but can start anywhere from 7 to 21 days after exposure. Symptoms generally last for one to two weeks.
Symptoms include:
- High Fever
- Cough
- Runny Nose
- Red and watery eyes
- Blotchy red rash, first on the face and then moves down the body. The rash usually appears 3 to 7 days after the start of symptoms.
- Tiny white spots on the inside of the mouth and throat but are not always there. These spots are called ‘Koplik’s spots’.
Infants under 12 months and people who are pregnant or have a weak immune system can get very sick from measles.
Measles can also lead to:
- dehydration
- ear infections
- lung infections (pneumonia)
- swelling of the brain (encephalitis)
- hearing loss
- seizures
- permanent brain damage (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)
- death
Measles in pregnancy can lead to premature delivery, low birth weight and miscarriage.
There is no specific treatment for measles. Treatments are given to help relieve the symptoms of measles (e.g., pain relievers to reduce fever). Severe measles infections are often treated in hospitals.
Most people can recover at home by drinking plenty of fluids, eating healthy foods, and getting lots of rest. Doctors may give Vitamin A to some children with measles.
A person who has measles is advised to stay home, and is not to attend day care, school, or work since measles is very contagious.
If you think you may have measles, contact a health care provider or Health 811 toll-free at 8-1-1.
If you or a family member are showing signs and symptoms of measles, it is important to:
- Isolate immediately by staying home and do not attend work, school, childcare, or any other public spaces.
- Contact your healthcare provider by phone to discuss your symptoms.
- Before attending a healthcare setting for medical care or testing including a clinic, hospital, medical lab, radiologic facility, you must call the facility and notify them that you have been exposed to measles, or in contact with someone who has measles, so that they can prepare for your arrival and prevent virus spread.
- Wear a well-fitting, high quality mask when seeking medical assessment.
Your health care provider will assess you for measles and will test you if they suspect you have measles.
Given the current increase of measles activity in Ontario, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU), along with the National Advisory Committee on Immunization’s (NACI) continues to strongly recommend everyone stays up to date on immunizations.2 The best way to protect against measles is for all individuals to receive two doses of the measles vaccine (MMR or MMRV vaccine). This vaccine is safe and free for people who live, work, and attend school in Ontario. You can get the vaccine from your health care provider.
Ontario’s immunization schedule recommends:
- The first dose of MMR be given between 12 to 15 months of age.
- The second dose (MMRV) is generally given between 4 to 6 years of age.
- In the case of a confirmed outbreak, a second dose of measles containing vaccine may be given as soon as 4 weeks (28 days) after the first dose.
Please contact the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) for any questions about the immunization schedule.
Please report all vaccines for you and your family to the Health Unit’s online reporting tool, ICON, by visiting immune.wechu.org
Call your Health Care Provider immediately and let him or her know that you have been exposed to someone who has the measles. Your doctor will determine if you are at risk of developing measles (e.g., have not received the 2 doses of the measles vaccine), and advise you on next steps.
The measles vaccine or an Immune Globulin (Ig) treatment may be given to help reduce your risk of developing measles.
- Watch for symptoms of measles for 21 days after exposure – even if you are up to date with your measles vaccinations. Measles symptoms begin 7-21 days after infection and may include:
- High fever of 38.8 C (101 F) or greater
- Red, blotchy rash three to seven days after symptoms start
- Cough
- Runny nose
- Red, watery eyes
- Check your immunization record to confirm you and your family members are up-to-date with their measles vaccinations (MMR or MMRV). If you are unsure, you can check with your health care provider. Two doses are generally recommended for anyone born in or after 1970. In general, those born before 1970 are considered protected against measles.
- If you were born after 1970 and have not received two doses of measles containing vaccines (MMR or MMRV) you must avoid contact with infants under one year of age, pregnant people, and immunocompromised people and any high-risk settings including healthcare, childcare and school settings.
- For any measles exposure that occurs in a school or childcare setting, Windsor Essex County Health Unit will exclude students and childcare attendees identified as exposed to the measles virus who do not have up to date records with Public Health. Those students or childcare attendees with no doses of a measles vaccine will be excluded from school or childcare for 21 days following the exposure.
- Identified contacts of measles virus who are students or childcare attendees with one dose of measles vaccine will be excluded until they receive a second dose of a measles vaccine. They should contact their healthcare provider about receiving a second dose, and notify the clinic in advance that they have been identified as a contact of measles.
Tests for measles can be done at a laboratory and include a nose or throat swab, a urine test and sometimes blood work. The laboratory will process these tests to determine if an individual is infected with the measles virus. It can take a few days for the laboratory to confirm test results.
When a case of measles is confirmed, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit will continue with the case investigation and management.