June 2024 Board of Health Meeting - Agenda

Meeting Document Type
  1. Call to Order - F. Costante, Chair (4:00 pm)
    1. Land Acknowledgement
    2. Quorum​​
    3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
  2. Approval of Agenda (4:03 pm)
  3. Approval of Minutes: May 16th, 2024 (4:04 pm)
  4. Consent Agenda (for approval) (4:05 pm)
    1. Information Reports
      1. Communications Reports:
        1. May 2024
      2. ISPA Implementation Update – Secondary School Students
      3. ISPA Enforcement Update – Elementary School Students
      4. Comprehensive Tobacco Control: Enforcement Activities
      5. 2023 Annual Audited Financial Statements Recommendation Report
        1. WECHU Audit Findings Report for the year ended December 31, 2023
        2. Financial Statements of WECHU MCCSS Program Initiatives
        3. Financial Statements of WECHU
      6. By-law Revisions
        1. By-law #1: Governance
        2. By-law #2: Finance
        3. By-law #3: Human Resources
        4. By-law #4: Management of Real Property
    2. Correspondence
      1. HKPR Health Unit – Letter of Support for 2023 CMOH Annual Report (for information)
      2. WECHU- Further Regulatory Measures for Vapour Retail Advocacy Letter (for information)
      3. KFL&A Board of Health – CMOH Annual Report 2023 (for information)
      4. KFL&A Board of Health – Declaring GBV, IPC, & Family Violence a Provincial Epidemic (for information)
      5. Sudbury & Districts Public Health – Support for C-322 National Framework for a School Food Program Act (for information)
  5. Presentations (4:10 pm) 
    1. H5N1 (Dr. Mehdi Aloosh) (4:10 pm)
    2. Healthy Schools Initiative: The Decider (Kristy McBeth & Kelly Farrugia) (4:22 pm)
    3. Wildfire Smoke (Dr. Mehdi Aloosh) (4:34 pm)
    4. Endorsing the Windsor-Essex Food Strategy (Eric Nadalin) (4:46 pm)
    5. Smoke Free Ontario Act - Enforcement (Eric Nadalin) (4:58 pm)
  6. Business Arising
  7. Resolutions/Recommendation Reports (5:10 pm)
    1. Endorsing the Windsor-Essex Food Strategy (for approval)
  8. New Business (5:15 pm)
    1. Board Compensation and Delegation Policies (Dr. Ken Blanchette)
    2. CEO Updates (Dr. Ken Blanchette)
  9. Next Meeting:  At the Call of the Chair, or Thursday, September 19, 2024
  10. Adjournment
  11. In-Camera Meeting (Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act) (5:25 pm)