May 2024 Board of Health Meeting - Agenda

Meeting Document Type
  1. Call to Order - F. Costante, Chair (4:00 pm)
    1. Land Acknowledgement
      We [I] acknowledge the history of the traditional territory on which our organization sits and respect the longstanding relationships of the three local First Nations groups of this land and place in Southwestern Ontario; the Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-in-a-bek) Peoples, the Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-no-show-nee) Peoples and, the Leni-Lunaape (Len-e Lun-NAH-pay) Peoples.
      The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit honours all First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples and their valuable past and present contributions to this land.
    2. New Board Member Introductions (4:02 pm)
    3. Quorum​​
    4. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
  2. Board of Health Treasurer Election (4:05 pm)
  3. Approval of Agenda (4:05 pm)
  4. Approval of Minutes: March 21st, 2024 (4:11 pm)
  5. Consent Agenda (for approval) (4:12 pm)
    1. Information Reports
      1. Communications Report:
        1. March 2024
        2. April 2024
      2. Food Safety Education
      3. WECHU Oral Health Services and Oral Health Month
      4. Windsor Essex Community Opioid and Substance Use Strategy 2023
      5. Implementation of the Ontario Naloxone Program 2023
      6. Recreational Water Inspections and Beach Monitoring
      7. 2024 BOH Self-Assessment Survey
      8. Strategic Plan Q1 Progress Report 
      9. Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Disease Surveillance Program
      10. Break the Vape Challenge
      11. Tuberculosis Campaign in IDP
      12. 2024 Annual Service Plan – Q1 Status Report
      13. Q1 BOH Effectiveness Survey Summary
      14. Emergency Preparedness
      15. Communicable Diseases & Outbreaks
    2. Correspondence
      1. Dr. Kieran Moore – 2023 CMOH Annual Report (for information)
      2. HKPR Health Unit – Letter of Support – Private Member’s Bill C-322
        National Framework for a School Food Program Act (for information)
      3. Sudbury & District Public Health – Letter of Recommendation for Government Regulation of Nicotine Pouches (for information)
      4. KFL&A Public Health – Letter of Recommendation to Restrict the Sale of Nicotine Pouches in Ontario (for information)
      5. Peterborough Public Health – Letter of Recommendation for Federal Restrictions on Nicotine Pouches
  6. Presentations (4:15 pm) 
    1. 2024 BOH Competency Presentation (Kristy McBeth) 
    2. Break the Vape (Kelly Farrugia/Ashley Kirby) 
    3. WECOSS Annual Report (Eric Nadalin)
  7. Business Arising (4:50 pm)
  8. Resolutions/Recommendation Reports (4:52 pm)
    1. Endorsement of CMOH Annual Report- An All of Society Approach to Substance Use & Harms (Dr. Mehdi Aloosh)
      (for approval)
  9. New Business (4:57 pm)
    1. CEO Update (Dr. Ken Blanchette) 
    2. Board Meeting Dates & Times (Fabio Costante) 
  10. Next Meeting:  At the Call of the Chair, or June 20th, 2024
  11. Adjournment (5:12 pm)
  12. Committee of the Whole (5:15 pm) 
    (Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act)