September 2024 Board of Health Meeting - July 15, 2024 - August 14, 2024, Communications Update Information Report

Meeting Document Type
Information Report
July 15, 2024 - August 14, 2024, Communications Update

PREPARED BY: Communications Department 

DATE: August 23, 2024

SUBJECT: July 15, 2024 - August 14, 2024, Communications Update


Provide regular marketing and communication updates to the Board of Health.

Monthly comparisons of various marketing and communication channels
SOURCE July 15 – August 14 June 15 – July 14 DIFFERENCE
News Releases, Media Advisories and Statements, or Notices Issued 12 9 3
Media Requests Received 9 6 3 pageviews  128,126 96,921 32,205
YouTube Channel Subscribers 1,780 1,777 3
Email Subscribers 7,007 7,044 -37
Emails Distributed 14 13 1
Facebook Fans  19.398 19,301 97
Facebook Posts 72 67 5
Twitter Followers 8,658 8,656 2
Twitter Posts 74 68 6
Instagram Followers 1,702 1,689 13
Instagram Posts 37 33 4
LinkedIn Followers 1,756 1,746 10
LinkedIn Posts 12 9 3
Media Exposure 124 110 14

Data Notes can be provided upon request.

Media Exposure Overview Graph

Media exposure overview graph - July to August 2024

Notes: From July 15 – August 14, we experienced two peaks of media exposure:

July 22 – 25 – During this timeframe, three News Releases were issued that drew high media interest, including a positive rabies test in a bat, a warning of blue-green algae, and the kickoff event of KI Pill distribution. Between these days, a total of 54 stories were published.

July 30 – On this day, a follow up release was issued on the blue-green algae bloom with safety measures for residents, resulting in 14 stories.

Website Overview Graph

Website overview graph - July to August 2024

Notes: From July 15 – August 14, we saw increased website traffic patterns as the previous month. Throughout the summer months, our beach water testing results drive a large volume of users to our webpage. 

Social Media Overview Graph

Social media overview graph - July to August 2024

Lighter blue line represents the current month, darker blue line represents the previous month. 

Notes: We saw a large increase in Fans on Facebook in the current timeframe (+97). Throughout this timeframe, there were a number of campaigns with boosted posts across various topics, which may account for the increase in Fans as these posts reach people outside our followers. 

Discussion - Physical Activity Promotion Campaign

Notable project thumbnail image 01
Notable project thumbnail image 02
Notable project thumbnail image 03
Notable project thumbnail image 04

Throughout the summer, the Communications Department worked with the Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Department to promote a variety of messages around physical activity. The messages ranged from promoting active travel (e.g., walking or biking instead of driving), the benefits of being physically active as you age, ways to integrate movement into daily tasks, and getting enough sleep to have the energy to be active.

The campaign included a series of boosted posts (pictured above) on the Meta platform (Facebook and Instagram). Each post was boosted with $50 and ran for seven days. In total, the posts received the following metrics:

Metric Value
Impressions 61,374
Reach 27,830
Reactions 87
Link clicks 693

Impressions = The number of times the content was displayed on a screen (could include the same user seeing it on different screens / at different times)

Reach = The number of unique users who saw the post

Reactions = The number of people who added a reaction (e.g., thumbs up, heart, mad emoticons)

Link clicks = The number of times the URL on the ad was clicked