Figure 3.Bar chart with 5 data series.Intervention Status by ProgramThe chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Status. Data ranges from 20 to 100.Created with Highcharts 10.3.3StatusChart context menuFigure 3.Intervention Status by Program1155114411442211223322115566334433331122552222223322111111223311113355224444227722223311111122112211111111111111On TargetVarianceCompleteDeferredCancelledAlcoholBreastfeedingCannabisCommunicable DiseasesCommunity Based Immunization OutreachComprehensive School HealthCOVID-19 Vaccine ProgramDrinking WaterEnvironmental ExposuresFood Handling PracticesFood Literacy and Healthy Eating (School Aged)Food Safety ComplianceFood Safety Management and ResponseFood Safety ProgramGrowth and DevelopmentHarm Reduction Program EnhancementHealth Hazards ProgramHealthy Eating BehavioursHealthy Pregnancy and Preparation for ParentingHealthy Relationships and Sexuality (School Aged)Healthy Smiles OntarioImmunization Monitoring and SurveillanceInfection Prevention and ControlInjury PreventionInstitution/Facility Outbreak ManagementISPA Implementation in Schools and Licensed Child Care SettingsMental HealthMental Health Promotion (School Aged)Menu LabellingOntario Seniors Dental Care ProgramOral Health Assessment and SurveillanceOther DrugsPhysical Activity and Sedentary BehaviourPhysical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep (School Aged)Positive ParentingRecreational WaterSexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne InfectionsSkin Cancer Prevention Act - Tanning BedsSmall Drinking Water SystemsSmoke Free OntarioSubstance Use and Harm Reduction (School Aged)TuberculosisVaccine AdministrationVaccine ManagementZoonotic and Vector-Borne DiseasesEnd of interactive chart.