Health Topics for the letter "H"

A (10) | B (4) | C (11) | E (5) | F (1) | G (3) | H (7) | I (4) | L (6) | M (8) | N (1) | P (1) | R (2) | S (4) | T (4) | U (1) | V (1) | W (2) | Y (1) | Z (1)
An alphabetical listing of Health Topics.
Title Description
Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib)

Haemophilus Influenzae (Hi) is caused by a bacterial infection. There are many types or “strains” of it. The sickness can be mild or very serious. If the infection gets into the bloodstream, brain, or other areas where it’s usually not found, it can cause severe infection.

Heat Illness

For most people, heat-related illnesses happen when temperatures are high for a number of days (particularly if the night time temperatures do not drop), or if the humidity is high. While the health risks related to heat are higher for certain groups (such as seniors, young children, people taking certain medications and people with chronic conditions), everyone is potentially at risk. Fortunately, most heat-related illnesses can be prevented or treated if you are aware of the risks, signs and symptoms.

Hépatite A

L’hépatite A est une infection du foie causée par un virus. La maladie est généralement mineure chez les enfants, mais peut être plus grave chez les adultes. Certaines personnes risquent davantage de contracter une infection par l’hépatite A

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A (Hep A) is an infection of the liver, caused by the hepatitis A virus.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B (Hep B) is an infection of the liver, caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV).

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C (hep C) is an infection of the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV).


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).