Self-Care Tips for Positive Mental Health

Self-care is about looking after yourself and taking the time to attend to your physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health.

Self-care is important because it allows you to routinely check in with yourself, stay in touch with your needs, and engage in activities that refresh your mind and bring you happiness. Investing in yourself and your care also provides you with the tools to deal with life’s stressors, perform at your best in all aspects of life (e.g., work, school, family), and support and connect with others.

Building self-care into your everyday routine is an effective way to support your mental health. Self-care looks different for everyone and comes in many forms. For ideas on activities that might fit into your self-care plan, click on the icons below.

Activities that can be used to take care of your body: 

  • Fuel your body with a variety of foods each day and stay hydrated;
  • Get active by engaging in physical activities that you enjoy, such as going for walks, playing sports, gardening, taking fitness classes, or going for bike rides;
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule and ensure that you are getting enough sleep;
  • Care for your physical needs by following regular medical check-ups and speaking to your healthcare provider if you feel unwell.

Activities that can be used to take care of your mind: 

  • Keep a journal to reflect on your thoughts/feelings and clear your mind;
  • Practice positive self-talk by reframing negative thoughts (e.g., “I can’t do this”, “I am not good enough”, “This is too difficult”) into positive affirmations (e.g., “I can do this”, “I am good enough”, “With time and effort, I can accomplish this”);
  • Learn a new skill or take up a hobby that aligns with your interests, such as playing an instrument, learning a new language, or baking/cooking;
  • Participate in activities that engage the mind, such as reading, playing a board game, or doing a crossword puzzle;
  • Set realistic goals for yourself and accept the things that are within and outside of your control.

Activities that can be used to take care of your emotional health: 

  • Stay connected and spend time with friends and family;
  • Give back to your community by volunteering or helping others;
  • Boost positive emotions by practising gratitude – reflecting on things you are grateful for and recognizing and expressing thankfulness to family and friends;
  • If you are experiencing negative emotions, talk to someone that you trust about how you are feeling, such as a friend, family member, or co-worker;
  • Ask for help from a mental health professional if needed.

Activities that can be used to take care of your spiritual self: 

  • Practise meditation, mindfulness, or relaxation techniques;
  • Go to a yoga class, take online yoga, or practise yoga at home;
  • Engage with your religious or spiritual community;
  • Reconnect with nature and spend time outdoors;
  • Engage in creative expression by making art or music.
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