Naloxone Staff Training Video Series

Watch the full video series of the Naloxone Distribution Program Staff Training or select an individual video from the series below.

Video 1: Opioid Overdose Data

In the first video of this 6-part training series, the WECHU provides an overview of opioid overdoses and naloxone.

Video length: 4:43

Video 2 - Overview of the Naloxone Program

In the second video in the 6-part training series, the WECHU provides an overview of the Ontario Naloxone Program (ONP), how overdoses occur, and how to recognize the signs of an overdose.

Video length: 4:42

Video 3A - Signs of An Opioid Overdose

In the third video of the 6-part training series, the WECHU provides some education on how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and how it is different from over-sedation.

Video length: 3:09

Video 3B - What is an Opioid Overdose?

A short clip explaining what an opioid overdose is and how the emergency medicine naloxone works.

Video length: 1:46

Video 4 - Nasal Spray Kit

In the fourth video of this 6-part training series, the WECHU provides an overview how naloxone works and what's in a naloxone spray kit.

Video length: 8:46

Video 5A - 5 Steps to Respond to An Opioid Overdose

In the fifth video of this 6-part training series, the WECHU shares the five steps you need to know to respond to an opioid overdose.

Video length: 8:50

Video 5B - Administering Naloxone Nasal Spray

Please visit to watch the video about how to give Naloxone Nasal Spray.

Video length: 1:00

Video 6 - 5 Steps to Respond to An Opioid Overdose - Part 2

In the final video of this 6-part training series, the WECHU shares how to respond to someone who might be experiencing an opioid overdose.

Video length: 3:55

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