Naloxone Staff Training Video Series
Watch the full video series of the Naloxone Distribution Program Staff Training or select an individual video from the series below.
Watch the full video series of the Naloxone Distribution Program Staff Training or select an individual video from the series below.
As part of the Ontario Harm Reduction Program Enhancement, the ONP has expanded access to free naloxone nasal spray kits for clients who are at high risk of an opioid overdose as well as their friends and family.
Naloxone is a fast-acting medication that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) is committed to increasing access to harm reduction services to prevent opioid overdose-related deaths.
Starting June 1, 2023, employers must provide naloxone in the workplace if certain circumstances described in the Occupational Health and Safety Act apply. To learn more, visit the Government of Ontario’s Naloxone in the Workplace webpage.
Eligible organizations include Community Health Centers, Outreach Organizations, Shelters, Aboriginal Health Access Centres, HIV/AIDS service organizations, Withdrawal Management programs, and organizations eligible through expanded access who work directly with clients who may be at risk of an opioid overdose. To determine if your organization falls into the outreach or withdrawal management program categories, your organization must meet the following criteria:
If you are interested in becoming an ONP Community partner, please submit an online Statement of Need.
The Health Unit will provide free training and resources to administer and dispense naloxone to your clients. This means that a minimum of one staff member from each agency must receive training from WECHU. The remaining staff must be trained using the train-the-trainer guide provided by WECHU. The training provided by WECHU will encompass recognizing and responding to an overdose, naloxone administration, naloxone distribution, online data entry, storage and handling of naloxone and ordering protocols.
By signing a Service Agreement for naloxone distribution, an agency is committing to:
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the WECHU, at 519-258-2146, ext. 3200, or email