June 4th is National Health and fitness day. With the weather warming up, educators and students may be looking for ways to spend more time outdoors and get active.
The ParticipACTION Community Challenge runs from June 1st to 30th. The challenge is a national physical activity initiative that encourages everyone in Canada to get active throughout the month of June in search of Canada’s Most Active Community. Schools, classrooms, or students can register for the challenge and track their physical activity. Visit the ParticipACTION website to find more information on the challenge and answers to FAQs.
Ideas to get your class active:
- WECHU June Physical Active calendar-for Elementary Schools: developed to give educators ideas of new activities they can try with their class
- WECHU June Physical Active calendar for Secondary Schools: developed to give teens ideas to increase their physical activity throughout the month of June
- PHE Canada (French website) has created activities to use from JK to grade 12 to promote physical activity at school and at home.
- Visit Ophea (French website) for more ideas and activities.
- Ophea- Outdoor Education Toolkit (French Version): developed for grades 1 to 8 and 9 to 12 to promote a culture of safety-mindedness, increase teacher awareness, confidence, and preparedness to teach outdoor education safety and risk management.
- Find more ideas and resources on Healthy School’s physical activity webpage.
Ideas for youth and families to stay active this summer:
- Go for a walk or bike ride and explore Windsor, Essex-County and provincial trails.
- Create a physical activity calendar with your family. Download a blank calendar from our webpage.
- Ophea- School's Out for Summer Family Activity Night Mission: can be used as an activity for the school community or an at home activity for the family.
- Recreational Swimming: find pools in Windsor and Essex County.
- Find recreation programs at municipalities and other free or low-cost summer activities throughout Windsor-Essex County. Eligible families can apply for funding towards program costs.
While being active, please remember to stay safe. The following links provide information about injury prevention and safety:
- CAA- Pedestrian Safety (French website): Provide lessons, activities, and tips for JK-grade 12 on walking safety.
- Parachute- Cycling (French website): Find bicycle and road safety tips, resources, and videos for children.
- CAA- Bicycle Safety (French website): Provides lessons for kindergarten to grade 12 focused on bicycle safety. Topics covered include bicycle equipment, safety on the road, and additional resources.
- WECHU- Sun Safety Information: Provides information to keep safe in the sun.
- Lifesaving Society- Water Safety: Provides information to stay safe while in and around water.