Safe Outdoor Living

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Beach Water Testing

The Health Unit conducts beach water quality monitoring at eight public beaches at least once each week from May to September to make sure that the bacterial (E.coli) counts in the water are below provincial standards.

Extreme Weather

Windsor-Essex County Health Unit issues extreme temperature warnings (heat warnings and cold warnings) to inform the residents, local agencies, stakeholders, and the media in Windsor and Essex County of the forecast of extreme weather events.

Mosquito Safety: Fight the Bite!

Mosquitoes are small insects belonging to the fly family. Mosquitoes usually lay 100-400 eggs at a time in still water. The female mosquito is the one that bites, as she needs blood to make her eggs. A mosquito bite usually results in a reaction including swelling, redness, and itchiness, and can vary from mild to severe.

Ticks and your Health

Ticks are a relative to the spider and are a crawling, non-flying insect. They vary in size and colour. Ticks are very small (1 to 5 mm) when unfed and female ticks get larger and change colour when feeding. Ticks can spread Lyme Disease.