Eating Well at School

Packing lunches for school will be different for everyone…Not everyone will choose to pack baby carrots, or cheese and crackers to school.

Pack lunches that fit your family’s taste, lifestyle and culture.

You can use the balance plate from Canada’s Food Guide as a reminder to pack different foods for lunch and snacks. A soup, for example, can have foods with protein (e.g., chicken, beans), vegetables (e.g., celery, carrots, spinach), and whole grain foods (e.g., barley, rice, pasta) all mixed in one cup!

Are you Packing Leftovers?

Dinner leftovers make a great school lunch! Pack them with an icepack if served cold, or pack it hot in a thermos for a warm meal. 

Note: always check your school’s allergy policies to learn what foods are allowed in the school.

Here’s an easy way to make sure your child’s lunch is packed with vegetables and fruit for every meal and snack.

2 Vegetables and Fruit

1 Whole grain foods

1 Food with protein

For more information visit Canada’s food guide or

To speak to a dietitian for free call Health811 by dialing 811 or visit the Health811.

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