Personal hygiene involves keeping all parts of the body clean and healthy. Good hygiene leads to improved self-esteem, body image and confidence, and can prevent the spread of germs and infectious diseases.

What is personal hygiene?

Personal hygiene includes care of the face, mouth, hands, hair, nails, body, and clothing. It also includes care of the body during puberty (menstrual and genital hygiene).

Why is personal hygiene important for students?

Poor personal hygiene provides an ideal environment for germs to grow, leaving individuals vulnerable to infections.  As well, people with poor personal hygiene may experience increased isolation and loneliness. 

Learning about personal hygiene at a young age helps students to:

  • Maintain good physical and mental health,
  • Decrease the spread of infections,
  • Assist with the changes that occur during puberty, and 
  • Set up lifelong healthy habits. 

What can schools, parents and students do to promote good hygiene?

Below you will find several informational and community resources for educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Educator resources are organized using the Ministry of Education’s Foundations for a Healthy School framework. A healthy school is created when schools, parents and community partners work together to build school environments that promote and support student well-being. 

Resources & Information for:

Background Resources

  • Hand washing and staying healthy – Government of Canada 
    Grades K-12 
    Covers key times to perform handwashing, steps to preform handwashing, and also has Hand-washing heroes video (also available in French). 

  • Puberty and Growing Up – Nemours KidsHealth 
    Grades 4 -8 
    Information about various puberty topics (e.g., body, menstruation, body hair, skin problems) to support lesson planning or provide further background information about specific topics or questions.

  • Body Care – Nemours TeensHealth 
    Grades 7-12 
    Information about various hygiene topics (e.g., acne, dandruff, eczema, shaving) to support lesson planning or provide further background information about specific topics or questions.

Lessons and Activities

  • Handwashing Kit – WECHU 
    Grades K-8 
    This kit details the importance of proper handwashing and includes a demonstration of handwashing using the the GlitterBug® Potion and black light so that students can see areas that they did not wash effectively. Contact your school nurse or send an email to to request a kit.

  • Hygiene – OPHEA 
    Grades K-8 
    Offers a variety of lessons across developmental stages, from germs and oral health, to personal care needs and personal hygiene practices associated with onset of puberty. Must create an account to access all resources.

  • Kahoot Hygiene Presentation – WECHU 
    Grade 4 
    A fun activity developed to reinforce the grade 4 Healthy Living Strand on Human Development and Sexual Health. Download the Personal Hygiene Lesson Plan and Facilitator’s Guide in English or French.

  • Personal Health – Nemours KidsHealth 
    Grades K-12 
    Information, activities, and quizzes related to hygiene topics. Content is linked and grouped by topic and subtopic: K-Grade 2Grades 3-5Grade 6-8, and Grade 9-12.

  • Healthy Schools Certification – OPHEA 
    Gives your school the tools to promote and enhance the health and well-being of students, school staff, and the broader school community. Contact your school nurse or send an email to to find out more about supporting your school in achieving a Healthy Schools Certification.

  • Hand Hygiene in Schools and Early Care and Education Settings – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
    Grades K-12 
    Resource that provides tips on how to promote hand hygiene.


  • World Hand Hygiene Day – World Health Organization (WHO) 
    Every May 5th, communities can come together to build a culture in which hand hygiene is given high priority. WHO develops a new theme for each year.

  • Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) 
    Celebrated on May 28th, MH Day promotes good menstrual health and hygiene (MHH). It aims to break silence, raise awareness and to change negative social norms around MHH. Campaign materials are updated annually. 

  • School Resources & Signage - WECHU 
    Downloaded posters on handwashing available in English, French, and Arabic. Printed copies are also available to order. 
  • 211 South West Region Ontario 
    Find more information on supports for youth, housing issues, and more. Can also call 2-1-1 directly to get help finding local agencies that can support shelter, shower, or hygiene products.  

  • Windsor-Essex Youth Services Card 
    Provides contact information related to services and referral support in Windsor-Essex County for a variety of youth services.

  • The Bridge Youth Resource Centre 
    Support for ages 14 to 24 in the greater Leamington area to find a safe, welcoming space and to get help with supportive housing, life and coping skills, mental health and addiction help, and more.  Also can assist with basic needs such as showers, laundry, and food. 

  • The Windsor Youth Centre – The Downtown Mission of Windsor-Essex County Health Unit 
    This program provides young people aged 16-25 with essentials like food and hygiene items as well as opportunities for growth and personal development. 

Support in the Community

  • 211 South West Region Ontario  
    Find more information on supports for youth, housing issues, and more. Can also call 2-1-1 directly to get help finding local agencies that can support shelter, shower, or hygiene products.  

  • Windsor-Essex Youth Services Card  
    Provides contact information related to services and referral support in Windsor-Essex County for a variety of youth services.

  • The Bridge Youth Resource Centre  
    Support for ages 14 to 24 in the greater Leamington area to find a safe, welcoming space and to get help with supportive housing, life and coping skills, mental health and addiction help, and more.  Also can assist with basic needs such as showers, laundry, and food. 

  • The Windsor Youth Centre – The Downtown Mission of Windsor-Essex County Health Unit  
    This program provides young people aged 16-25 with essentials like food and hygiene items as well as opportunities for growth and personal development. 

Additional Resources and Support

  • Growth & Development – Nemours KidsHealth 
    Information for parent/caregivers to guide discussions with children about various topics about growing up, such as puberty and menstruation.

  • Healthy Living – Canadian Paediatric Society 
    Information for parents/caregivers on healthy habits, including handwashing, healthy teeth, and more.

  • World Hand Hygiene Day – World Health Organization (WHO) 
    Every May 5th, communities can come together to build a culture in which hand hygiene is given high priority. WHO develops a new theme for each year.

  • Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) 
    Celebrated on May 28th, MH Day promotes good menstrual health and hygiene (MHH). It aims to break silence, raise awareness and to change negative social norms around MHH. Campaign materials are updated annually. 

  • 211 South West Region Ontario 
    Find more information on supports for youth, housing issues, and more. Can also call 2-1-1 directly to get help finding local agencies that can support shelter, shower, or hygiene products.  

  • Windsor-Essex Youth Services Card 
    Provides contact information related to services and referral support in Windsor-Essex County for a variety of youth services.

  • The Bridge Youth Resource Centre 
    Support for ages 14 to 24 in the greater Leamington area to find a safe, welcoming space and to get help with supportive housing, life and coping skills, mental health and addiction help, and more.  Also can assist with basic needs such as showers, laundry, and food. 

  • The Windsor Youth Centre – The Downtown Mission of Windsor-Essex County Health Unit 
    This program provides young people aged 16-25 with essentials like food and hygiene items as well as opportunities for growth and personal development.