Creating a Self-Care Pantry at School
Regular access to essential necessities like deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and menstrual supplies is a challenge for many of our youth in Windsor-Essex County.
Regular access to essential necessities like deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and menstrual supplies is a challenge for many of our youth in Windsor-Essex County.
Download the Facilitator's Guide, Lesson Plan and Guide to Teaching Handwashing in English or French.
This activity was developed for educators to use within the classroom to reinforce the Ministry of Education’s Healthy Living Strand: Human Development and Sexual Health Grade 7 curriculum (2019).
Access the on-line Jeopardy game in English or French.
Please note: It is essential to complete the pre-teaching material prior to utilizing the activity for increased class participation and retention of information.
Personal hygiene involves keeping all parts of the body clean and healthy. Good hygiene leads to improved self-esteem, body image and confidence, and can prevent the spread of germs and infectious diseases.
Personal hygiene includes care of the face, mouth, hands, hair, nails, body, and clothing. It also includes care of the body during puberty (menstrual and genital hygiene).
Birth control, also referred to as contraception, are ways for both sexual partners to prevent unplanned pregnancy. There are many kinds of birth control such as abstinence (e.g. holding off on sexual contact), hormonal methods (e.g. pills or other medications), and non-hormonal options (e.g. condoms).
When it comes to sexual activities and any intimate contact, everyone involved needs to give/receive enthusiastic consent.
STBBIs are common infections that can pass from one person to another during sexual contact.
Educating youth about healthy relationships is important to help them develop skills and knowledge to make healthier choices.