What is Dress Purple Day?
Dress Purple Day is led by the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies to help raise awareness about individuals and communities' important role to look after vulnerable children, youth, and families. It is an opportunity for students to learn about their right to safety and well-being and that help is available if needed.
Why Engage Students in Dress Purple Day?
Dress Purple Day is a day of action across the province to wear purple and raise awareness about the role that adults in the community play in supporting the rights of children and youth to safety and well-being. Research shows that a child that has a trusted adult in their support network is an important prevention tool. Education professionals are in a unique position to provide support as they are an adult that the child or youth connects with on a regular basis. All children and youth must have the opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to lessen their vulnerability to harm and they have the right to safety and well-being in all spaces.
How can your school get involved?
Throughout October, schools and classroom teachers can access resources from Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, to engage with students in conversations about safety and well-being in all aspects of their lives and help youth identify their support networks. Resources are available for elementary, middle, and high schools. Resources include:
- Campaign Toolkit (including posters/social media messaging) French Version
- Dress Purple Day Classroom Prevention Resources (French Version)
Do you or someone you know in need of support? Visit the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies' list of places to turn when you or someone you know needs help (French).