Halloween is a night full of fun and excitement for children and it is right around the corner!
As a parent/caregiver, there are safety concerns to be aware of for children. To have a fun and safe night, it’s important to keep the following safety tips in mind.
Staying Safe while Trick or Treating
Consider the following tips for your children:
- Dress warm and keep costumes safe by making sure they can see through any masks; their costume isn’t too long to avoid trips and falls and ensure everyone is visible in the dark by using reflectors.
- Trick or treat in small groups, never alone.
- Practice road safety. Share reminders to look both ways before crossing roads, use sidewalks for walking, and cross at stop signs or lights when possible.
- Stick to roads and neighbourhoods that they know and only visit well-lit houses.
- Keep a hand sanitizer with you and use it when needed.
- Check all of their treats before eating to make sure they are safe to eat and in the proper wrapper.
If your child is celebrating at school, be sure to follow school rules and policies around snacks and costumes.
Protecting Yourself and Others
With the fall season comes the arrival of the annual respiratory illness season. If your child is sick, please keep them home to protect yourselves and others in the community. Remember to wash your hands often, covering your coughs and sneezes, and wear masks in indoor public spaces if you feel it may be best for you and others. If your child is sick, they can still do fun Halloween activities at home.
Have Fun at Home this Halloween
Families can still enjoy a safe and fun Halloween from home. Some ideas for having fun at home on Halloween night include baking Halloween treats, carving pumpkins, watching Halloween movies, dressing up, etc. You can organize a video call with friends to show costumes to each other.
Most importantly, have fun.
Find more Halloween safety tips on visit the Government of Canada website.