Educating youth about substance use is important to help them develop skills and knowledge to make healthier choices.
Why is preventing alcohol use among youth important?
Alcohol is the most common substance used by high school students. Research demonstrates that delayed onset of alcohol use is vital to healthy brain development and good mental health. It is important for youth to be informed about the negative health outcomes and social harms from alcohol use during adolescence.
What do the stats say about youth and alcohol use?
In Ontario, 35.6% of youth in grades 7 to 12 report using alcohol at least once in the past year, while about 10% of youth reported binge drinking (five or more drinks on one occasion) at least once in the past month. Alcohol use by youth increases dramatically between grades 9 to 12. Among the grades, youth in grade 11 and 12 are most likely to use alcohol (OSDUHS, 2023). In Windsor-Essex, 14% reported binge drinking in the past month, and 13% reported riding in a vehicle when the driver had been drinking alcohol, in the past month. (COMPASS, 2023).
What can schools, parents and youth do to promote a healthy lifestyle?
A healthy school is created when schools, parents, and community partners work together to build school environments that promote and support student well-being. Below you will find several informational and community resources for educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Educator’s resources are organized using the Ministry of Education’s Foundations for a Healthy School framework.
Resources & Information for:
Background Resources
Alcohol- Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Information on alcohol including research, regulations, and news stories from around Canada. Review Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health including the Drinking Less is better infographic. Access to Understanding Substance Use: Educator’s Guide which is designed for professionals working with youth grades 6-12 to gain knowledge, tools and resources on substance use including alcohol. (French)
Rethink Your Drinking
This Canadian site outlines the health effects of alcohol, Canada’s guidance on alcohol/health and when abstinence should be mandatory. (French)
Youth and Alcohol- Drug Free Kids Canada
Information on youth and alcohol, risks and how to get the conversation started with youth related to substances. (French)
Alcohol Use- Health Canada
Information about alcohol; risks, trends, guidelines, and how to reduce risks. (French) Health Canada has created posters with messaging that can be downloaded and used in your school:
- Drinking is up to you- Tips if you do not want to drink and how to reduce risks when drinking. Also available in French.
- Drinking tonight? - Tips for reducing risks when drinking. Also available in French.
- Hey are you ok?- What to do in an alcohol-related emergency. Also available in French.
Lessons and Activities
Smart Wheels-Educators Guide- MADD
Grades 4-6
SmartWheels experience educates youth about making smart choices to prevent driving while impaired with alcohol and/or drugs.
Refusal Skills Activity – Windsor Essex County Health Unit
Grades 4-8
Classroom activities that allow students to practice their refusal skills when being faced with challenging situations related to substance use. (French)
Health Canada Experiences
Grades 4 to 12
Is an online portal for educators, students, and parents to learn about and explore health issues. Get the Facts- Educates students on the risk of using alcohol, cannabis, tobacco and vapour products. Harms of Substance Use Stigma- educators can explore the gallery to learn how stigma impacts people who use drugs, while providing ideas on how to incorporate substance use and stigma educational resources into your teaching tools.
Addiction and Substance Misuse Prevention- OPHEA
Grade 6-12
A variety of classroom activities on addiction and substance misuse prevention. (French)
Party Safer Toolkit – Windsor Essex County Health Unit
Grades 9-12
The goal of this toolkit is to increase teen awareness of the importance of partying safer and encourage healthy behaviours and informed decision-making. This resource includes information on the risks of using alcohol and substances and encourages teens to celebrate in a safer, less harmful way when they get together with friends, or during special events this summer. (French)
Substance Use- Interactive Jenga Trivia Game – Windsor Essex County Health Unit
Grades 9-12
Students remove the blocks and answer questions about substance use. Have students play 1:1 or in teams to earn points. (French)
Healthy Schools Certification – OPHEA
Gives your school the tools to promote and enhance the health and well-being of students, school staff, and the broader school community. Contact to find out more about supporting your school in achieving a Healthy Schools Certification. (French)
Youth Mental Health & Addiction Champion Toolkit – Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) partnered with public health units, School Boards, SMH ASSIST and provincial youth-based organizations to develop a peer-based youth mental health initiative. The partnership resulted in the development of the toolkit to support the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based, youth-led mental health promotion and substance misuse prevention initiatives in school settings. The toolkit includes guiding frameworks, how to build your team, youth training content, event planning, and evaluation tips. (French)
School Campaigns and Social Media
Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance-related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School approach
This toolkit is for school communities, those working in the education system, and those who support youth, in addition to Canadian school stakeholders. The Blueprint model supports school community members in planning and carrying out a wide range of strategies for preventing substance-related harms among youth. These strategies include upstream prevention, harm reduction, stigma reduction, and equity-oriented approaches. (French)
Project Red Ribbon- MADD Canada
Campaign committing to driving sober which runs yearly from November 1st to January 8th. (French)
MADD Canada's School Presentation- MADD Canada
School presentation from MADD Canada bringing awareness to impaired driving (alcohol and drug) and risk reduction messaging for students in grades 7 through 12. Teaching resources available for download prior to presentation for classroom use. (French)
Visit the Ontario Ministry of Transportation - Impaired Driving website to learn more about the laws. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is dangerous and illegal. Know what counts as impaired driving – and the penalties you could face for it – before you get behind the wheel.
School Board Policies
School boards can set policy that influence the social & environmental norms students’ experience. Please refer to your specific school board and/or school’s policies and code of conduct on alcohol and substance use for further information. Individual schools should speak to their school boards about whether they can develop individual school policies.
Get Help with Substance Use- Windsor Essex County Health Unit
A list of local and provincial resources to support those struggling with alcohol, cannabis or other substance use.
Windsor-Essex Youth Services Card – Windsor Essex County Health Unit
Provides contact information related to services and referral support in Windsor-Essex County for a variety of youth services.
Youth Wellness Hub – Canadian Mental Health Association
For youth aged 12-25 offering walk-in mental health services, substance use and addiction services, access to a Nurse Practitioner for primary care, and community social services. The Youth Wellness Hub also offers recreational activities and peer support. Services available in Windsor, Amherstburg and Leamington. Virtual mental health counselling and peer support available.
SAPACCY Program- The Substance Abuse Program for African, Caribbean, and Black Canadian Youth Windsor Essex Community Health Centre
Mental health and substance use services for individuals who identify as black and between 12-29 years of age. Call 519-253-8481 or visit
Mental Health and Addictions Nurse- Home and Community Care Support Services
Mental Health and Addictions Nurses provide early intervention, psychoeducational support and therapeutic strategies that address specific mental health and addiction needs for youth. A school, hospital, or community agency can refer, and clients can self refer online or by calling 519-258-8211 or 1-888-447-4468.
Support in the Community
Get Help with Substance Use- Windsor Essex County Health Unit
A list of local and provincial resources to support those struggling with alcohol, cannabis or other substance use.
WEConnectKids – HDGH Regional Children’s Centre
A partnership between the five core service providers for child and youth mental health and addiction services in Windsor-Essex. Servicing youth up to age 18.
ConnexOntario – Government of Ontario
Mental health, addiction, and problem gambling services. Call 1-866-531-2600, email, chat or search for services in your community. ConnexOntario can also provide basic education about mental health, drug, alcohol, and problem gambling treatment services.
Parent Support Hub - Drug Free Kids Canada
24/7 access to support from Drug Free Kids Canada to help you prevent/address/overcome a young person’s problematic substance use by phone or online chat.
Health811 - Government of Ontario
Call 8-1-1 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007), a free, secure, confidential service Ontarians can call or access online 24 hours a day, seven days a week to receive health advice from qualified health professionals, such as registered nurses, locate local health services. Can access resources or chat live online.
WEC CONNECT – Windsor Essex Community Opioid and Substance Strategy/ Windsor Essex Ontario Health Team
A searchable inventory of substance use and mental health services available to residents of Windsor Essex County. The inventory includes a comprehensive list of both publicly and privately funded programs and services available at the regional, provincial and national levels.
Additional Resources and Support
Information for Parents- MADD Canada
Information and tips on how to talk to youth about alcohol and impaired driving.
Talking with Teenagers about Drugs and Alcohol – Government of Canada
Information on why teens use drugs and alcohol, tips for talking to teens and information for parents/caregivers.
Get Help with Substance Use- Windsor Essex County Health Unit
A list of local and provincial resources to support those struggling with alcohol, cannabis or other substance use.
WEC CONNECT – Windsor Essex Community Opioid and Substance Strategy/ Windsor Essex Ontario Health Team
A searchable inventory of substance use and mental health services available to residents of Windsor Essex County. The inventory includes a comprehensive list of both publicly and privately funded programs and services available at the regional, provincial and national levels.
Youth Wellness Hub – Canadian Mental Health Association
For youth aged 12-25 offering walk-in mental health services, substance use and addiction services, access to a Nurse Practitioner for primary care, and community social services. The Youth Wellness Hub also offers recreational activities and peer support. Services available in Windsor, Amherstburg and Leamington. Virtual mental health counselling and peer support available.
SAPACCY Program- The Substance Abuse Program for African, Caribbean, and Black Canadian Youth Windsor Essex Community Health Centre
Mental health and substance use services for individuals who identify as black and between 12-29 years of age. Call 519-253-8481 or visit
Mental Health and Addictions Nurse- Home and Community Care Support Services
Mental Health and Addictions Nurses provide early intervention, psychoeducational support and therapeutic strategies that address specific mental health and addiction needs for youth. A school, hospital, or community agency can refer, and clients can self refer online or by calling 519-258-8211 or 1-888-447-4468.
One Stop Talk
A free service that immediately connects youth aged 17 and under to a professional therapist in which they will develop a plan together to move forward and feel better. Call 1-855-416-8255 or connect via online chat.
Saying When App - The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
An app created by the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health that provides step-by-step directions for youth to take charge of their drinking. It is available for free download for iPhone and Android phone users.
Kids Help Phone
Call 1-800-668-6868,. 24 hours/7 days a week telephone or web chat free, confidential service for children and youth. *Services in English and French.