
Hand Washing


Yersiniosis (yer-sin-ee-o-sis) is an infection caused by the bacteria Yersinia. Yersinia is a strong bacteria that can continue to live in environments without much oxygen and in refrigeration.


Shigellosis is an infectious disease caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella. People who eat food or drink water contaminated with Shigella bacteria can become ill with shigellosis.

Hépatite A

L’hépatite A est une infection du foie causée par un virus. La maladie est généralement mineure chez les enfants, mais peut être plus grave chez les adultes. Certaines personnes risquent davantage de contracter une infection par l’hépatite A

Cryptosporidiosis (Crypto)

Cryptosporidiosis (crypto) is an infection caused by a group of parasites (germs), called cryptosporidium. Most infections occur in a person’s stomach and intestines (gastrointestinal tract). Infections can occur in other parts of the body, such as the lungs. These germs can infect humans, cattle, and other animals.