Healthy Families


Having a baby may fill your mind with both excitement and doubt. You may have questions and concerns even if it’s not your first pregnancy.

Nurse Practitioner

Our Nurse Practitioner (NP) clinic provides FREE regular prenatal and postnatal care for women and care for infants and children up to six years who do not have a health care provider OR do not have OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) coverage.


Breastfeeding provides unique health benefits for both women and their breastfed children. Accordingly, the World Health Organization and Health Canada recommend exclusive breastfeeding for an infant’s first six months of life, with continued breastfeeding up to two years and beyond.

Caring for Mom after Birth

The postpartum period is the time following the birth of your baby up until around 6 to 8 weeks. The postpartum period can come with many changes, both physically and emotionally, as you learn to care for your newborn.

It is important during this period to take the time you need such as getting plenty of rest, good nutrition and accepting help. Below are some websites and resources that can help as you navigate the postpartum period and care for your baby.