The business case for having a comprehensive workplace wellness program is easy to make. Workplace wellness programs play a crucial role in improving employees' physical and mental health and can save companies money. Employers with wellness programs may be viewed by current and potential employees as desirable employers with more ability to attract and retain talent. When best practices in workplace wellness are applied, comprehensive workplace wellness programs can increase employee engagement and job satisfaction, reduce absenteeism, employee turnover, and rates of accidents.
Mental Health Promotion
Awareness Raising Activities:
- Distribute credible information on your workplace wellness bulletin boards, by email or on your intranet, such as:
- Pamphlets from the Canadian Mental Health Association
- Posters, fact sheets, or articles from the Canadian Centre of Occupational Health and Safety: Healthy Minds
- Posters, postcards, web banners, infographics and other communications from Not Myself Today
- Posters, newsletters or social media images from the Bell Let's Talk campaign (January 28th) or World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th)
- Weekly emails from Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
- Coordinate an employee team for the Ride Don't Hide for mental health
- Post and circulate mental health and wellbeing services available for employees to access, such as CMHA-WECB’s Community Resources List
- Promote resources such as ConnexOntario and 211 so that employees know where to find resources
Education & Skill-Building
- Book a training with CMHA-WECB on a workplace mental health topic. To book a training or for more information, please get in touch with or call 519-255-7440 ext. 234
- Provide employees training on:
- Mental health illnesses to help reduce stigma and discrimination
- Roles and responsibilities regarding workplace harassment
- Conflict resolution
- Family Services Windsor-Essex
- Share FSEAP’s Returning to the Workplace Resiliency Toolkits with Employees and Managers at your workplace
- Have a Take Your Break workplace challenge
- Host a stress reduction or relaxation workshop.
- Host an archived webinar from the Canadian Centre of Occupational Health and Safety: Healthy Minds
- Host an archived Healthy at Work webinar:
- Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-racism & Indigeneity Work
- Managing Your Money During Challenging Times
- Suicide Awareness: Creating Networks of Support
- Optimizing Work Psychological Health by Understanding Resource Navigation in Windsor-Essex County
- Healthy Holidays: A Last-Minute Survival Guide
- Reduce Your Holiday Stress
- Curb Your Stress, Eat Well
- Have management and leadership complete the Psychologically Safe Leader Assessment
- Incorporate education and training around Indigenous mental health into your workplace
- Encourage employees to complete the online training from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety such as:
- Assembling the Pieces Toolkit on implementing the National Standards of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
- Being a Mindful Employee: An Orientation to Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
- Mental Health Courses
- Bullying in the Workplace
- Dealing with Difficult or Hostile Customers
- Domestic Violence in the Workplace
- Stress in the Workplace
- Violence in the Workplace: Awareness
Environmental Supports
- Provide employees training on:
- Mental illnesses to help reduce stigma and discrimination
- Roles and responsibilities regarding workplace harassment or conflict resolution
Provide management training to recognize and act upon signs of distress in employees such as:
- Work through and implement strategies from the Suicide Prevention in the Workplace Guide
- Work to implement the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, recognized as a leading practice by the Health Standards Organization, that describes 13 factors contributing to (or threatening) psychological health and safety in Canada's workplaces
- Use Guarding Minds at Work to assess and address psychological health and safety at your workplace
- Offer counselling through an Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provider
- Make use of the Canadian Mental Health Association Ontario's Return to the Workplace: A psychological toolkit for heading back to work.
- The Mental Health Commission of Canada has tips for helping women return to work after maternity leave, a leave of absence, or an unplanned break related to the pandemic.
- Create a quiet relaxation room for employees
- Encourage flexible work arrangements (e.g., compressed workweek or working from home)
- Conduct a Stress Audit and make necessary changes.
- Encourage employees to take breaks
- Create a process to acknowledge employee achievements promptly or seek employee input to make workloads manageable
- Implement a mentorship program that connects inexperienced and experienced employees
- Provide childcare or elder care services to help with work-life balance
- Offer professional development opportunities
Supportive Policies:
Develop and implement supportive workplace policies around workplace mental health, e.g.:
- Baby-Friendly Workplace Policy
- Compressed Work Week Policy
- Implement an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or Employee and Family Assistance (EFAP) Policy. Learn more about EAP Policies.
- Employee Recognition Policy
- Family Leave Policy
- Job Sharing Policy
- Mental Health Stigma Reduction Policy
- Psychological Safety in the Workplace Policy
- Reimbursement for Stress-Reducing Programs/Activities Policy
- Telework Policy
- Violence in the Workplace Policy
- Workplace Harassment Policy
- Offer benefits to all employees (e.g., vacation time, sick leave, health benefits)
- Implement effective and accessible grievance procedures
Physical Activity
Awareness Raising Activities:
Distribute credible information on your workplace wellness bulletin boards, by email or on your intranet, such as:
- 24-Hour Movement & Activity Guidelines
- City of Windsor Parks, Trails, and Recreation Maps
- County Wide Active Transportation Route Maps
- Factsheet on stretching at the workstation from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- Municipal >Activity Guides or local physical activity or recreation programs
- Motivational posters encouraging employees to make active choices (e.g., taking the stairs instead of the elevator)
Education and Skill-Building Activities:
- Host a Lunch & Learn or an education session led by Bike Windsor Essex
- Coordinate active events for employees such as:
- Walking breaks or an active break workplace challenge
- The Program to help deskbound employees be more active
- An employee team for the Big Bike for Heart and Stroke or Ride Don't Hide (June)
- A Bike to Work event for Bike Month in June
- Employee attendance at the County of Essex's County Wide Active Transportation System Celebrations Event in June
- Employee noon hour walks for In-Motion Week during the first week of October
- Host an archived Healthy at Work webinar from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit:
Environmental Supports:
- Introduce walking meetings
- Invest in showers and change rooms to support physical activity and active transportation
- Provide corporate or reduced-rate memberships to onsite, private, or local fitness or recreation facilities
- Have designated areas available that are safe for physical activity (e.g., basketball courts or greenspace)
- Have safe bicycle storage, such as bicycle racks or bicycle lockers
Supportive Policies:
Develop and implement supportive workplace policies around physical activity, e.g.:
- A Walking Meetings Policy
- Physical Activity Policy
- Work-Time Allowance for Physical Activity Policy
- Gym/Sports Discounts Policy
- Active Living Subsidy Policy
- Bike Friendly Workplace Policy
Infection Prevention & Control
COVID-19 Workplace Resources
Visit the WECHU’s COVID-19 Workplace Website for comprehensive guidance for employers, owners and operators of businesses, and workplaces in Windsor-Essex County to assist with COVID-19 prevention in places of work.
Awareness Raising Activities:
Distribute credible information on your workplace wellness bulletin boards, e-blasts or intranet such as:
- Information about adult immunizations against infectious diseases from the Ontario Ministry of Health
- Posters and videos on hand hygiene from Infection Prevention and Control Canada
- Posters, factsheets, videos on the flu from the Government of Canada
- Posters on cold and flu from the Public Services Health & Safety Association
- Tips to avoid getting sick from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
- Resources to promote:
- World Tuberculosis Day (March 24th)
- World Hand Hygiene Day (May)
- World Hepatitis Day (July 28th)
- Infection Control Week from Infection Prevention and Control Canada (3rd week in October)
Education and Skill-Building Activities:
- Host a Lunch & Learn education session, or training on:
- Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. A "Germ Glow" kit can be purchased to demonstrate how easily germs are passed from person to person.
- Use of personal protective equipment
- Safe food handling
- Preventing diseases relevant to the workplace (i.e., Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus for outdoor workers, or cholera and hepatitis A and B for workers travelling to endemic countries)
- Diseases prevented by immunizations
- Host an archived Healthy at Work webinar from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit:
- Conduct hand hygiene audits
Environmental Supports:
- Offer paid personal time for employees to receive their flu vaccine at a local pharmacy or clinic
- Offer paid sick leave to reduce the spread of illness
- Encourage employees to take sick leave if exhibiting the following symptoms: fever, cough, diarrhea, and vomiting
- Eliminate the need for employees to supply employers with a doctor's note after taking sick time
- Place hand-washing stations and signs throughout your workplace
- Supply alcohol-based hand sanitizer at workstations
- Supply hand lotion to employees to help maintain skin integrity
- Supply disinfectant wipes throughout the workplace to allow employees to clean surfaces as they become contaminated
- Ensure adequate environmental cleaning products are used for high touch surfaces
- Provide sharps containers for safe needle disposal
- Provide open-topped waste bins to allow for the discarding of waste without touching the bin
- Provide a refrigerator specifically for employee lunches and snacks
- Provide personal protective equipment as appropriate, especially in First Aid Kits
- Provide disposable gloves as appropriate, especially for those who handle food
- Refer workers to community resources for immunizations if travel is required for work
Supportive Policies:
Develop and implement supportive workplace policies around infection prevention, e.g.:
- Infection Prevention and Control Policy to assign an individual or team to identify and respond to concerns.
- Influenza Immunization Policy
- Immunization Policy to determine what immunizations are recommended as a condition of employment for new employees.
- Employee TB Screening Policy
- Post-Exposure to Blood and Bodily Fluids Policy
- Needle Safety Policy
- Workplace Environmental Cleaning Policy
Awareness Raising Activities:
Distribute credible information on your workplace wellness bulletin boards, by email or on your intranet, such as:
- Poster Getting the 8 Hours of Sleep You Need
- Getting a Good Night's Sleep
- Learn about Sleep Hygiene
- Are Canadian Adults Getting Enough Sleep?
- The Sleep On It campaign poster (Bilingual Version)
Education and Skill-Building Activities:
- Offer an interactive module on Getting a Good Night's Sleep or distribute the print version for employees
- Offer employees a personal fillable Sleep Diary to track their sleep habits or nap habits
Environmental Supports:
- Offer sleep education programs for employees
- Promote short naps during work breaks
- Modify environmental factors, e.g. lighting, to promote alertness
- Encourage remote working if applicable to allow more time for sleep
- Consider fatigue and sleep-related factors in incident investigations
Supportive Policies:
Develop and implement supportive workplace policies around sleep health, e.g.:
- Set limits on the number of hours worked per 24-hour period and 7-day period
- Implement flexible scheduling for employees
Awareness Raising Activities:
Distribute credible information on your workplace wellness bulletin boards, by email or on your intranet such as:
- Recipes, menu planners, videos, quizzes and other printable information sheets from Unlock Food
- Posters, factsheets, recipes, social media content for Nutrition Month in March or other resources from the Dietitians of Canada
- Recipes, tips, posters, videos, meal planning, and other resources from Canada's Food Guide
- Factsheets from the Canadian Cancer Society
- Order free posters about healthy eating for your workplace. Available in several languages.
- Get a meal planning toolkit from the Heart and Stroke Foundation
- “You Can Cook” video series from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
Education and Skill-Building Activities:
- Host a Lunch & Learn, education session, or food skills demonstration led by a dietitian. Contact call 519-258-2146 ext. 3100 for a list of possible speakers.
- Host an archived Healthy at Work webinar from the Working Toward Wellness Committee and Windsor-Essex County Health Unit:
Environmental Supports:
- Offer a variety of nutritious food choices in the cafeteria, vending machines, at meetings, and special events
- Provide a refrigerator and microwave in break areas so employees can bring lunches from home
- Provide credible nutrition information in the employee eating area
- Make water available by placing pitchers around the table at meetings or special events
Supportive Policies:
Develop and implement supportive workplace policies around healthy eating and nutrition, e.g.:
- Breastfeeding Friendly Policy
- Food Procurement for Workplace Meetings and Events Policy
Injury Prevention
Awareness Raising Activities:
Distribute credible information on your workplace wellness bulletin boards, e-blasts or intranet such as:
- Various injury prevention posters and brochures from Workplace Safety & Prevention Services
- Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention posters from
- Workplace ergonomics resources from the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Works Inc.
- Post a Slips, Trips and Falls infographic from the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety
- Working in Cold Environments information from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- Sun Safety posters and tip sheets from the Canadian Dermatology Association
- Sun Safety and Heat Stress posters, fact sheets, videos, and presentations from Sun Safety at Work
- Sun Awareness Week (early June) or Melanoma Awareness Month (May) social media and posters from the Save Your Skin Foundation
- Safe Winter Driving brochures and videos from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation
- National Teen Driver Safety Week (late October) social media messages or infographics from Parachute Canada
- Rowan's Law Concussion Safety information from the Government of Ontario
- Brain Injury Awareness Month (June) brochure and social media from Brain Injury Canada
Education and Skill-Building Activities:
- Host a Lunch & Learn or an education session. Contact or call 519-258-2146 ext. 3100 for a list of possible speakers.
- Host an archived Healthy at Work webinar from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit:
Environmental Supports:
- Provide adjustable workstations to prevent poor posture and strain
- Rotate workers through several jobs with different physical demands to reduce stress on the body
- Provide funds for employees to purchase appropriate and supportive footwear
- Use signs, warnings, barricades, non-slip mats, or non-slip strips or surfaces when a risk has been identified
- For outdoor workers, provide broad-brimmed hats, long sleeve shirts, long pants, UV protective eyewear and sunscreen
- When possible, adjust work schedules to limit time in the sun between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Supportive Policies:
Develop and implement supportive workplace policies around injury prevention, e.g.:
- Ergonomics Assessment Policy
- Distracted Driving Policy from Road Safety at Work
- Distracted Driving Policies & The Transportation Industry: A Business Case for Workplace Safety from the Traffic Injury Research Foundation
- Sun Protection Policy from Sun Safety at
- Slips, Trips, Falls Prevention Policy
Substance Use
Awareness Raising Activities:
Distribute credible information on your workplace wellness bulletin boards, e-blasts or intranet postings such as:
- Smokers Helpline
- Local treatment services for individuals who want to quit or reduce smoking or vaping or for individuals who use alcohol or other substances
- Infographic on Cannabis and Impairment in the workplace from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- Factsheet about Cannabis for Parent/ Guardians from the School Mental Health-Assist
- Resources from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
- Cannabis resources from the Government of Canada
- Workplace wellness education print resources related to cannabis
- Order free posters from Health Canada for your workplace for Tobacco, Vaping, and Drug prevention
Education and Skill-Building Activities:
Host a Lunch & Learn education session or training:
- Quit smoking options and resources, led by a TEACH (Training Enhancement in Applied Cessation Counselling and Health)-trained pharmacist or professional
- Medication use, storage and destruction, led by a pharmacist
- Cannabis in the workplace
Host an archived Healthy at Work webinar:
Environmental Supports:
- Provide pharmacist-supported smoking cessation program including quit medications.
- If the employer offers a benefits package, ensure nicotine replacement therapy is covered.
- Allow flexible work schedules for employees to attend medical or counselling appointments related to smoking cessation.
- Ensure work-related social events (e.g., holiday parties) are alcohol-free.
- Provide management training to recognize impairment in the workplace, i.e., the online course Impairment and Cannabis in the Workplace.
- Offer counselling through an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider
Supportive Policies:
Develop and implement supportive workplace policies around substance use, e.g.:
- Alcohol-Free Events Policy
- Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy
- Cannabis Policy
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Policy
- Smoke-Free Workplace Policy
- Substance Use Policy