Other Diseases Spread by Animals

There are many different bacteria, parasites and viruses carried by animals that can spread to humans and cause serious illness.

To learn more about some of the common ones found in our region, please follow the links below.

Echinococcus Multilocularis

An infection caused by eating the eggs of tapeworms called E.multiocularis.


An infection caused by the salmonella bacteria that live mostly in the intestines of animals and birds.

Urban chickens

This page contains information on how to safely manage live chickens in an urban space.


An infection caused by the bacteria Brucella. These bacteria can be found in cattle, pigs, goats, and sheep.


An infection caused by a group of bacteria that live mostly in the intestines of animals, including poultry, cattle, rodents and household pets.


An infection caused by a group of parasites called cryptosporidium. These infections occur in a person’s stomach and intestines.

Avian Influenza (bird flu)

Avian influenza (bird flu) is a disease caused by a type of Influenza A virus which primarily infects domestic poultry and wild birds Avian Influenza (H5N1) has been detected in animal populations across Canada, including poultry, wild waterfowl, and mammals, and in the United States in livestock such as dairy cattle. This disease can create severe illness in animals.

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