Prepared By:
Darcie Renaud, Performance Improvement & Accountability Coordinator (PIAC), Planning & Strategic Initiatives Department
April 1, 2019
2018 Strategic Plan Year-end Report
The 2017-2021 WECHU Strategic Plan identifies key roles, priorities, and directions for the organization. It sets out what we plan to do, how we plan to do it, and how we will measure our progress. The Strategic Plan outlines opportunities to enhance our delivery of quality public health programs and services to all residents in Windsor and Essex County. The current strategic plan is based on four strategic priorities: Communication and Awareness; Partnerships; Organizational Development; and Evidence-Based Public Health Practice.
As outlined in the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan under “Implementation and Monitoring”, the plan is to be reviewed and its progress measured and reported to the BoH annually. The annual review process consists of a meeting with the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), during which the plan elements are discussed, reviewed and altered where necessary. After the SPC review, a strategic plan report is prepared and presented to the BoH for consideration. This year-end report is in addition to quarterly tracking and reporting implemented by the Planning and Strategic Initiative department in early 2018.
Current Initiatives
The 2018 Strategic Plan Year-End Report provides the objectives under each strategic priority and summarizes the progress our organization made during the second year (2018) of implementation and provides evidence of our commitment to quality, excellence, and accountability. It includes previous years’ measures (where established), 2018 measures/results, and next steps. The report also identifies changes made under Objectives 1.3, 3.4 and 4.4 as a result of discussions at the annual SPC review meeting.
The colour-coded state for all of the objectives either remained consistent or moved forward. In some cases, the goal for the measure of an objective was reached (e.g., under Objective 1.2) yet the work necessary to fully achieve the objective was not complete. In these cases, the colour-coded state of the objective remained yellow (progress being made but objective not met). Overall, progress has continued on all of the strategic objectives.
In Q1 of 2019, the PSI department will work with the Communication department to re-launch communication efforts internally about the strategic plan to ensure ongoing understanding of WECHU’s strategic objectives and allow departments to better understand their role in meeting them. These efforts will include a web update, the development of a new strategic plan e-learning module for staff and the BoH, and plans for mid-point activities to highlight WECHU’s progress on the 5-year plan.
The following individuals contributed to this report:
- Kristy McBeth, Director, Health Protection
- Marc Frey, Manager, Planning & Strategic Initiatives
- Michael Janisse, Manager, Communications
- Ramsay D’Souza, Manager, Evaluation & Epidemiology
- Jennifer Johnston, Health Promotion Specialist, Planning & Strategic Initiatives
- Jessica Kipping-Labute, Policy Advisor, Planning & Strategic Initiatives
- Dave Jansen, Performance Improvement and Accountability Coordinator, Planning & Strategic Initiatives
Approved by:
Theresa Marentette